bonus chapter - a girl and a gift

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Hi hi friends! I'm sure you're like... huh? Another MANIA chapter? More than 2 years after it was completed? And my friends, I am here to deliver. I missed my bbys and definitely needed some self-indulgent Bakugou and Shimamura content (iykyk). So! I decided to write a few little blurbs with my favorite canonxOC couple! :) Please enjoy! And yes, this chapter is entirely fluff, you're welcome.

OH! AND!!! Thank you for almost 100k reads!!! I am so thankful for each and every person that reads and enjoys MANIA and I'm just happy to be able to share my favorite creation with you all! As always, thank you for the comments and the votes and the kind words and especially the reactions to the plot twists :P

Without further ado, I present to you. . .

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The Chronicles of High School Dating
ft. Bakugou and Shimamura
a girl and a gift

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1 Day after the 'Pantry Trap'

Of course it was just Bakugou's luck that the day after he kissed Shimamura in the pantry was Valentine's Day. If those damn nerds had planned it better, maybe the day he kissed her would have been Valentine's Day instead. In the back of his mind he thought about how much more fitting that would have been. It almost made him angry that it wasn't Valentine's Day the day before. He imagined him and Shimamura in the pantry together. . . so close and so intimate. The way her eyes sparkled from the stray flickers of the lightbulb above their heads. Her soft skin against his palm; her lips pressing up into a pout and then a smile. She was beautiful. She was—

Get a hold of yourself.

Bakugou pressed his hand against his mouth as he leaned his elbow on his desk and faced towards the window in the 1-A classroom. He could feel the heat rushing to his head and was hoping it didn't show on his face. He rolled his eyes at his own sentimental feelings. Feelings like that shouldn't exist. He had no time for them and he definitely didn't have time for whatever setup happened to him and Shimamura yesterday. Maybe if he had the chance to do things his way, it would've turned out better. But truthfully, what was wrong with the encounter? Hell if he knows. The memory shimmered like diamonds in his vision. He wanted to go back and relive it, not change it.

The rest of his classmates were filing into the room. Most of the guys held various Valentine's Day items such as boxes of chocolates and little gift bags full of other surprises. A few had small envelopes in their hands with a bow tied around them and a mark like kissing lips on the front. Bakugou's eyes surveyed the gifts and saw the girls carrying around the items as well, probably going to hand them out as the day went on. Midoriya and Todoroki already had the most gifts in their arms as they struggled to lug them to their desks. Of course those two would be favored by the girls. Bakugou grimaced.

His face kept the disgusted scowl until his eyes found the object of his recent distractions. The girl stepped into the room as if she were floating on a cloud. Her white hair flowed like ocean waves at her shoulders and she held a small white bag in her hands while her school bag was tossed across her shoulder. A small smile lit up her features and her eyes were a brilliant blue, dancing with stars and sparkling gemstones in her irises. It took everything in him not to march straight up to her and kiss her on the spot. Bakugou bit the inside of his cheek. He expected her to look his way and smile at him like she usually did—that was an important part (in Bakugou's opinion) of her morning routine. However, she didn't even spare him a glance as she walked to the back of her room where her desk was. Bakugou's crimson eyes followed her all the way there. She never even turned around, although he doubted she knew he was staring.

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