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chapter 30


The white haired girl no longer sat tied to a chair in the middle of a dark, cold warehouse room. Her pajamas were no longer torn or stained by blood that had dripped from the small cut the Wraith had given her. The metal cuffs had been removed and she stood free. She was as free as a bird in the brilliant blue sky, with matching irises of bright shades.

In fact, she now stood in a room with windows. And a door. A locked door, but a door nonetheless. Lights hung from the ceiling and chairs and tables littered all across the concrete facility. Metal counter tops were lined in rows in the widest part of the room, adorned with bronze and silver objects—no doubt old weapons and machinery from years past. There was rust that had collected on them and bugs and spiders had made their home in the nooks and cracks between the bolts and screws. The mechanical equipment that hung from the ceiling was being repurposed as clothes hanger lines. The warehouse in which Shimamura stood was no warehouse at all—it was a factory.

An abandoned one, to be more specific. The League of Villains had made their secret home here for a short while. Just to carry out their plan. They didn't need to stay long.

As far as the Wraith was concerned, they'd be leaving soon.

"Heads up."

Shimamura turned to see a full white grocery bag tossed her way. She effortlessly reached up and caught it, opening it up to see its contents. A light blue sweatshirt, a toothbrush... and a Mountain Dew. Shimamura glanced at the thrower, raising an eyebrow at them.

The Wraith—Miyazaki, as she requested Shimamura to call her—stood dressed down in a black romper and a blood red shrug. She still had on her usual thigh high, laced up, red boots and her mask covering her face. Shimamura wondered if she went out in public with the mask on or if she just put it back on when she was around Shimamura. She guessed the latter was the answer.

"What's this for?" Shimamura questioned.

Miyazaki put her hands up in surrender, sensing Shimamura's suspicion. She donned a smirk which Shimamura had gotten used to by now, visible even behind the concealing mask.

"The League of Villains isn't exactly... keen... on personal hygiene, let's say. And if they are, they keep it a secret from me."

"Mountain Dew doesn't exactly scream hygiene."

"No? But it does put a little Ya-Hoo in your life."

The student blinked at her. Miyazaki rolled her golden eyes and turned away. The villain had made a reference to the very first Mountain Dew slogan... but Shimamura apparently didn't get that. Miyazaki was in no way old. In actuality, classics just interested her. Classic drinks and slogans. Classic costumes. Classic villains.

Classic heroes.

Shimamura picked out the sweatshirt from the bag and set the rest down on a nearby table. She raised it against her form, examining the fitting. The perfect size. They had given her food and new clothes a day or two ago, but she hadn't accepted any of it till today. The need for survival was beginning to outweigh the need to rebel. But in all honesty, there wasn't much she was rebelling from.

They asked her for no information. No U.A. or hero secrets. Nothing about her friends or family. Not even a single query about who she was—although, she knew they probably had more than enough information on her if they chose her of all people to kidnap from U.A.

The only thing they did was keep her there. They didn't let her leave. If she needed food or water, Miyazaki or one of the other League members would go out and get it for her. More often than not, Miyazaki would be the one to head out. Shimamura couldn't understand why if Miyazaki was the one keeping her company all the time. Maybe she was her caretaker of sorts.

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