━ FAQ ━

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Stay till the end for a little (pretty big) announcement ;)

Hi friends! Jiin has returned! :D

This installment will be a little FAQ answering a bunch of questions that come up that I can now answer! :D The questions range from questions about the plot to questions about what foreshadowed certain plot points that haven't already been addressed—cuz there's a lot of those.

If you have any additional questions that I haven't answered... please feel free to leave them in the comments! :) I'll answer everything I can.

Now let's get started!

What happened to Shimamura's bipolar disorder? (long answer—I'm sorry)

This is the first question I wanted to address because it isn't super clear at the end of the book... I'll explain why I did that in a second.

Shimamura's bipolar disorder was directly connected to her quirk. As her doctor said before, her bipolar disorder grows as her quirk grows and strengthens. "The natural effects of time and experience." After her quirk was taken away, it is assumed that her bipolar disorder is completely gone because of how consistently happy she is for the ending of the book. However, this isn't the case.

Shimamura is still bipolar. Just... less. Her dramatic symptoms were entirely due to her quirk but her disorder as a whole was not a result of her quirk.

In chapter 55 ("falling"), the Wraith mentions to Shimamura "'You've been a danger to everyone since you were a baby, Tikki.'" This isn't in reference to her quirk, rather, it's actually referring to her disorder. Although bipolar disorder isn't normally diagnosable until early teenage years, Tikki still could've had the disorder before she was diagnosed. This is why no one knew why she was such a temperamental baby. They couldn't have known.

Additionally, quirks like Tikki's only manifest around the age of 5—which still holds true in her case. This just means that she was naturally bipolar long before her quirk affected her symptoms. So, at the end of Mania, even with her quirk completely gone, she is still technically bipolar.

Instead of the drastic shifts that she would go through daily, her bipolar episodes and shifts might only occur a few times a year. Which is obviously a HUGE improvement to how she lived before. They're also easier for her to manage and work around since she had to live with them being so altering to her daily life before. At the end of the book, it seems like she doesn't have the disorder anymore because I didn't want to take away from the image of the stable life that she now has. She is finally at a place in her life where she can live without worry of hurting herself or the people she cares about.

Through the book we watched Shimamura rise and fall due to her quirk and her mental ailment, it only seemed right that at the end we finally got to see her at a plateau where she doesn't have to worry about rising too high or falling too far down. She might still have her mental disorder, but it no longer defines who she is.

:,) I'm proud of my bby.

Who is Epione?

As we know, after Shimamura put away her hero name of Sensima, she took a break from pro hero work for about a year. During that break, she and Bakugou got married and settled down for a little while before Shimamura decided she wanted to get back to work.

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