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chapter 34

League of Villains' Bunker: Location Unknown

The black and red clothed villain stood stretching her neck in the center of the room. Her eyes were closed but she could hear a glass bottle fly across the room and shatter against the rock wall. She reached her hands up and threaded her fingers through her black and white hair, combing through it peacefully.

However, the others in the room were not quite as calm as she was.

From the direction the glass bottle had come from, Tomura Shigaraki stood tense with his gloved hands balled into fists. The deathly hand that was normally attached to his face was sitting on a nearby table. His chapped lips quivered as he strained himself to not yell at his followers. Twice was huddled somewhere in the back corner of the room, as was Spinner and Magne. Kurogiri stood with his gaseous arms crossed, standing guard of the fragile situation behind Shigaraki.

The Wraith was in the center of the room, obviously unaffected by Shigaraki's little outburst. Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Toga stood on either side of her. They all seemed a bit unnerved while the Wraith flat out didn't care. Dabi chuckled lowly, knowing this problem wasn't all pinned on his shoulders.

"You mean to tell me... you lost the girl?" Shigaraki spat, his voice low and raspy.

Miyazaki shrugged. "The pro-heroes found the location and took her. How many times must I repeat myself?"

"And you didn't put up a fight?"

Mr. Compress put his hand up to interject. "Actually, we did. We were heavily outnumbered."

"If I was there we might've stood a chance—no, you guys were screwed regardless." Twice piped up from the back.

Miyazaki rolled her eyes from behind her beak-like mask which covered her face. She stuck her hand out in front of her, examining her sharp red nails. One was chipped. She groaned.

"When I was told you were the 'Perfect Manipulator,' I actually expected results, Miyazaki." Shigaraki stepped forward threateningly, craning his neck so her eyes were on him and not her nails.

She raised an eyebrow at him, unamused, although it was unseen. "You doubt me?"

"Here we go..." Dabi murmured from behind Miyazaki.

"I see one less converted hero than you promised me. So yes... I do doubt the great Wraith." The sarcasm practically dripped from his scratchy voice.

Miyzaki's nose snarled from behind her mask, but she kept her composure. Kurogiri twitched from the corner, signaling to Miyazaki to keep her distance. But she knew their limits. They just didn't know hers.

That was the only catch in their little team bond they had since Miyazaki joined the League. Given her title was someone who could convert even the greatest heroes, it would only make sense that she could weed out information easily. So she did. She knew everything about the League. All their secrets. Their weaknesses. Their breaking points.

If she turned on them, they'd surely lose everything.

But they knew practically nothing about her. They knew of her title, her status, and the amount of power she held in the villain world. The only thing they could know for sure was that she wanted more. Miyazaki was greedy. But not to the point of desperate insanity.

"All I have ever asked from you was a little bit of trust, Shigaraki. Come now..." Miyazaki shook her head. "But I know you still need me. I know you need my skill set and everything I have to offer. You know how I know that?" Her voice was somehow still sultry and seductive even when threatening those that could probably kill her.

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