deku ━

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chapter 13

2 months after Kagoshima
17 hours since the last earthquake

Hitoshi Shinsou, dressed in his hero Mindjack attire, kicked a rock at his feet. The same rock he had been kicking at for the last three blocks. Shimamura, who was walking next to him in her own Sensima hero costume, was shocked he hadn't lost the pebble yet.

The two pro-heroes were patrolling their agency's sector for the day. With all the earthquakes happening in Japan, they had every hero on call or on patrol in case there was any leftover damage or another aftershock. People just wanted to feel safe again. Ever since Kagoshima, it was hard to think that safety would return. The heroes were here to prove that it would. They were here to promise it.

Shimamura peeled away a wrapper to a cookie and nibbled on it. Half of the cookie was already gone since she had gotten it a little while ago during their patrolling. Shinsou was pouting with his new rock friend because he couldn't eat too. His metal mask was in the way. He wasn't allowed to take it off so as to protect his identity. On patrol, everyone was watching them.

Two kids from across the street frantically waved at the two heroes. They called out their names to get Sensima and Mindjack's attention. The heroes waved back and continued on their walk. The kids screamed with joy and scampered off somewhere to play.

"Mmm, by the way," Shimamura said to him mid-bite, "The neighbor a few doors down wants to buy the couch off us."

Shinsou knit his eyebrows together. "The one we left outside because Mocha pissed on it?"

Mocha is their brown, very fluffy and high-maintenance cat. One could say that this cat has a bit of an attitude...


"Why?" Shinsou asked.

Shimamura shrugged. "They want it. I didn't ask any questions."

"You should've told them to smell it is what you should've done."

"I was trying to be nice."

"Did you already tell them yes?" Shinsou's metal mask made his voice sound distorted even when it wasn't turned on. If Shimamura hadn't known him for so long, she might've had to ask what he had just said.

"No. I said I had to ask you."

"And they said...?"

Shimamura paused. Although her eyes were hidden behind her light purple mask, it wasn't hard to discern her expression. She puffed out her lip, not wanting to tell him. But she does anyway.

"Then they said we make a cute couple..." she grumbled.

Shinsou snickered. "Of course they did."

Shimamura rolled her eyes from behind her mask. She put her hands up, nearly dropping her cookie. "It's cuz we live together! What do you want me to do?"

"Just say 'We like to keep it in the family.' and leave it at that—"

"Shinsou!" Shimamura smacked him in the arm. "That's terrible!" But she couldn't help but laugh at his joke.

Shinsou chuckled softly, his own version of bursting out laughing. Shimamura shook her head and pressed the cookie into his hand. He looked at it then tossed it into the trash, not wanting to tempt himself. Maybe that was punishment from Shimamura. He can look but can't eat. Harsh.

"We don't even look like we could be related, calm down," Shinsou grinned behind his mask.

Shimamura rolled her eyes. "You always make it weird."

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