mindjack ━

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chapter 63

The beige capture weapons floated around the hero like snakes; they slithered around him and tensed up and coiled, ready to strike at any second. The hero clenched his fists at his sides, staring down his opponent that he thought should be his ally. His purple irises narrowed at her, but her cold stare was unreadable. Her eyes were as white as snow. The clouded hue that she usually held had disappeared completely. There was no icy blue left in those eyes of hers.

"You don't want to do this, T. You're better than this," Shinsou said to her through his muffling metal mask.

Shimamura's lips curved up into a smirk. The pair began to pace around each other on the quivering earth, just like they used to in their training rounds at U.A. It felt ridiculous that they'd be mimicking their training practice routines in such a setting when they were truly fighting each other rather than just practicing. This was a battle they'd both regret if Shinsou couldn't stop her.

She knew better than to respond to his commentary. He was aiming to hypnotise her, anyone could see that. But it would take more than that to trick Shimamura. Even in her lower state, she was attentive to what was right in front of her. She wanted blood. She wanted the trophy that she never received.

She'd win once and for all.

"Tikki, please—!" Shinsou started, but never finished.

In that split second, Shimamura dashed at him and swung her arms towards his head, reaching to grab onto his ribbons. Shinsou leaned back, narrowly avoiding her swipe. She stepped forward again, trying at her attack for a second time. Shinsou countered by grabbing onto her wrist with the ribbon, yanking her to the side.

She moved with the pull, but didn't fall. Her weight shifted and she swung a kick which hit him square in the chest. He doubled backwards, coughing. Shimamura twisted her wrist out of the capture weapon and lunged at him again, aiming for his head this time. He put his forearms up to block her swipe and she left a deep cut in his arm from her nails. She lunged at him again and again relentlessly, cutting and scratching with every motion she made. She acted like a feral cat, looking for every way to hurt him and scratch him. This wasn't the Shimamura he used to spar with.

He grunted and swung forward at the air with his arm, the weapon floating around his head mimicked his motion. The fabric snapped forward and wrapped itself around Shimamura's chest and arms, pinning her limbs to her sides. She blinked, caught off guard for only a moment.

Shinsou grabbed onto the ribbons, pulling them tight around her center and pulling her towards him as he stepped back. Her heels skidded on the ground as she fought against his strength but she could do nothing to fight him.

"Stop it!" Shinsou demanded.

She let out a huff as she stared at him. He could hardly tell where her eyes were looking. But he could see the faint outline of her irises up close, staring directly into his own. It was almost scary to see the ghostly hue of her eyes.

Before he could react, Shimamura kicked her leg up and kicked off of his thigh, flipping herself backwards. Her foot nailed him in the jaw in the process and he stumbled backwards, his grip loosening on the thick fabric. Shimamura seemed to tangle herself more in the capture weapon as she flipped backwards, but she knew how to get out of it. She cartwheeled sideways and wrapped more of the fabric around her until she tugged Shinsou towards her with it.

She kicked to the side again and jabbed her heel against the side of his jaw, sending him straight to the ground. The fabric loosened and she backbended out of the ribbons easily. She flipped from her hands to her feet again and stood upright, smiling to herself.

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