━ kacchan

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chapter 14

MAY 30th
1 month after Kagoshima
(1 month before the present)

"Put your hands up!"

A man in a black ski mask had his gun shaped hand pointed at a civilian outside of an orphanage. Three others in similar masks did the same thing with real guns rather than with their hands. One of the men even had knives instead of a gun out. The other had a flamethrower aimed toward the orphanage's door. They were attempting to commit arson, kidnapping, and manslaughter all in one go. How ambitious.

"Put them up or we'll—"

The man with the gun for a hand was suddenly smashed into the ground. His chin hit the cement and one could almost hear his teeth shattering. Towering above him stood a hero cloaked in greens and whites and reds. The hero raised an eyebrow at the villain with a smile.

"I'm afraid you won't be shooting anyone today, sir." Deku chided. Very All-Might-esc.

The other three pointed their guns and weapons towards Deku as soon as he showed up. However, their weapons were suddenly shot to the side by a slender icicle which pierced the frames and pinned the weapons to the wall. They spun around in confusion to see the Duality Hero, Shoto. The ice and fire hero stood with his palm outstretched towards the culprits, staring at them very lazily.

They yelled and charged at their hero attackers. Midoriya and Todoroki were literally yawning as they fought off these petty criminals in the early hours of the day. The only energy Midoriya could muster wasn't even put into fighting the lowlifes—it was actually put into having a side conversation with Todoroki.

"Hey Shoto!" Midoriya called over.

Todoroki extended his palm to the culprit and sent a small blast of flame at them. Then he turned to Midoriya, calmly. "Yes?"

"You know, I've been thinking about this kind of crazy idea after everything that's happened lately."

"What is it about?"

"Well, all of us from class 1-A have kind of lost touch, don't you think?" Todoroki shrugged as Midoriya took the face of one of the criminals and smashed it into the ground. Midoriya continued, "And since Kagoshima... I think we all need to get back together again. To talk."

"Talk about what?"

"I dunno... but we just need to talk. We all need each other. Shima needs us after what happened to her there."

"I agree."

"Then let's have a class reunion!"

Todoroki sent another pillar of ice at the villain holding the flamethrower, freezing him in place. It was sad, really. The criminals were trying so hard and yet these two heroes wouldn't give them even the slightest attention. The conversation was more important. They were still beating these guys to a pulp easily.

"A reunion?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah! Or just a small get together of sorts!" Deku grinned.

Shoto glanced to the side and shrugged. "I don't think Shimamura would be too happy to go to a reunion. We don't know the condition she's in after the attack."

"Then we'll have it in a month! Surely she'll be better by then! Nothing can keep Shimamura down for very long. We know her." Midoriya's solution seemed quick.

Todoroki could tell Midoriya had already put a lot of thought into the reunion. He didn't have the heart to crush his dreams... but it didn't seem right.

"Hmm... I don't know..."

Midoriya punched another villain into the wall and walked over to Todoroki as the villains were trying to regain their focus. "C'mon Todoroki," he whispered. "This will be good for everyone—especially Tikki. I just want her and Kacchan to talk again."

Todoroki frowned and creased his eyebrows. "When did this turn into a conversation about Bakugou?"

Midoriya sighed. "I want Shimamura and Kacchan to rekindle what they had back in high school! They haven't talked—in what?—3 years?"

"5, actually."

"Exactly! That's way too long!"

Shoto narrowed his eyes at him. "Have you considered they may not want to talk to each other?"

"Todoroki," Midoriya frowned, trying to get serious. "What they had was something special. Shimamura had someone she could lean on when she was having her episodes. And Kacchan had someone that understood him even when he was yelling and screaming at her and everyone else! I don't even remember why they broke up in the first place!"

Todoroki opened his mouth then stopped himself. He glanced to the side, thinking. "Hm, neither do I."

"Then let's help them get back together!" Midoriya grinned at him. He held his shoulders as if to shake him into agreeing with him.

Todoroki faced him and blinked. He pursed his lips. "Midoriya..." he murmured, still uneasy about this plan.

"Just trust me! It'll all go smoothly as long as we can convince both Kacchan and Shima to come!"

That didn't seem like the most sound plan, but Midoriya was confident. And if Midoriya was confident, then Todoroki was confident. Todoroki didn't have the capacity to hold that much optimistic energy anyway.

He sighed, slouching in Midoriya's grip. "Fine."

Midoriya's grin somehow grew even wider. His fist punched to his side and knocked out the last remaining culprit. The man in the ski mask got blasted into the wall and stayed there, unconscious. The heroes would let the police take care of this. They didn't cause very much of a mess anyway.

But the reporters were always the most annoying part of the ordeal... more annoying than any mess they could cause. Deku and Todoroki tried to leave the scene but were approached by the dozens of reporters and fans that flocked their way as they believed it was safe. Here comes the storm.

This whole reunion plan was sure to be complicated... especially with Midoriya's ulterior motive in mind.

What they could never imagine is what this little reunion might spring into action... Or why Shimamura and Bakugou parted ways in the first place.

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