trust ━

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chapter 57

3rd Years at U.A. High

Six of U.A.'s current 3rd year students sat together in the crowded food court of the glamorous mall just down the street from the school. It was only the start of their third year so they were of course very, very excited just to be called "3rd years." It took them a long two years to arrive at where they were now and their journey was far from over. Since the year had just begun, they had time to relax a bit before things started getting seriously stressful and hectic. The students could see the chaos of their third year unfolding before them before they even caught up to it. It was inevitable.

But for now, the six students sat at a table feasting on various snacks they bought on their shopping trip. Shimamura, Bakugou, and Kirishima sat on one side while Ashido, Uchiha, and Shinsou sat on the opposite side of the table. Tourists and locals alike bustled around the food court while the six sat contently at their own table.

The fiery blond had his arm tossed lazily over the back of his girlfriend's chair while he listened to some stupid story Kirishima was telling him. Beside him, Shimamura silently chipped away at a red velvet cupcake she had on the table between her and Bakugou, but she seemed to be the only one enjoying it.

Shinsou sat directly in front of Shimamura with a clear cup of soda in his grasp while Uchiha, Ashido, and Kirishima all had some sort of shaved ice or boba tea in their hands. Uchiha waved her hand at Shimamura excitedly.

"It's good isn't it!" Uchiha grinned.

Shimamura nodded as she chewed her first bite of the fluffy red cupcake. Uchiha's grin only grew wider.

"I told you! I got it a few days ago on my date!"

Ashido nudged Uchiha with her elbow, snickering to herself. "Ooh... your date with Kai?"

Uchiha's cheeks flushed a bright red practically on the spot. She straightened up and her smile turned strained if not awkward. She rolled her eyes and glanced to the side.

"No, not with Kai," she murmured to no one in particular.

Shimamura flashed Uchiha a knowing look and Uchiha shook her head. It was as if they spoke to each other telepathically. No one would be surprised if they did.

Ashido made more cooing noises as she grabbed Uchiha's attention away to talk about whatever gossip Uchiha had just walked herself into. Shimamura giggled and went back to focusing on her cupcake. She had to admit, it was a damn good cupcake.

Current bipolar level: 7

While Shimamura picked and prodded at the cupcake with her fork, Shinsou remained silent in front of her. His tired purple eyes were locked on Bakugou with a cruel scowl. He leaned forward in his seat and pressed his elbows to the table. He was completely silent but his thoughts ran as fast as a train. Shimamura moved in front of his glare for a second with a raised eyebrow, wondering why he looked so frustrated.

"You ok?" she asked him.

Shinsou shook off the glare he didn't even know he was holding and glanced at Shimamura with a half-smile.


Shimamura's question caught Bakugou's attention. He turned his head, thinking that Shimamura was talking to him and made eye contact with Shinsou. The purple haired Hero Course student immediately donned his frown again as he looked at Bakugou rather than Shimamura.

Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows at him. "He's always in a bad mood, Whitey."

Shinsou shot him a glare, his eyes narrowing at the blond. "We weren't talking to you."

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