━ care

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chapter 22


The blonde, retired pro stood at the receptionist's desk. She tapped on the high counter with her nail, impatiently waiting for someone to acknowledge her presence. Her mouth straightened into a flat line, growing more aggravated by the second. She was ready to leave this god forsaken hospital.

Her niece, Shimamura, stood next to her with her head hanging low. She picked at the calluses on her fingers, staring at them contently. The TV attached to the wall in the waiting area sounded quietly the news reports of the latest Kamino incident.

Although the sound was low, it wasn't hard to hear.

"—The captured UA student, by the name of Katsuki Bakugou, was rescued late last night by pro-heroes; most notably, All Might. With their valiant efforts, they were able to save the student and defeat the malicious villain All-For-One... But All Might... he..."

The announcer became choked up with his words. Shimamura didn't need to hear the broadcast to know what he was talking about. It wasn't the full story regarding Bakugou's rescue, but it was a story that people were willing to accept. All Might's retirement was one which had everyone shaking and on their knees. Whether it be fear or sadness, everyone had some sort of reaction to it.

Some greater than others.

Shimamura glanced up at the waiting room, but something else caught her eye. A blond in bandages across his arms and a bandaid on his cheek walked past the doorway of the waiting room, headed for the exit. There were two men in suits walking on either side of him, as if they were his bodyguards. One man which she recognized as their teacher, Mr. Aizawa.


The blond looked toward her at the sound of his name. There were deep bags under his eyes and dark circles surrounding his crimson irises. His mouth formed a bit of a snarl as he made eye contact with her. But he halted anyway.

"The hell are you doing here?" Bakugou growled at her from afar.

Shimamura detached from Arima's side to run to Bakugou's. The golden eyed teacher tried to reach out to stop her, but she was too quick for her aunt. Arima grit her teeth as Shimamura ran over to her least favorite Class 1-A student.

But her eyes locked with Aizawa's from a distance. He put his hand on the back of his neck and shrugged at her. She narrowed her eyes at him and frowned. Then someone finally came to attend to her at the receptionist desk. Shimamura was thankful that took her attention away.

"I was sick after over exerting my quirk. I've been here since the summer camp." Shima said to him.

Bakugou crossed his bruised and bandaged arms. She was lying. She wouldn't have been here so long for just overexertion. But he didn't bug her about it. Not right now at least. He just wanted to get out of the hospital... just as much as Shima wanted to as well.

"Are you... alright?" Shimamura asked him.

Bakugou scoffed. "I'm perfectly fine. Better than fine! Why the hell would you even ask that?!"

Shimamura raised an eyebrow at him. He clenched his fists and tipped his chin up to tower over her.

"I just thought I'd ask. I-I'm sure you've been through a lot..."

Bakugou clicked his tongue. He rolled his eyes and raised his palm towards her, tensing his indexes. Aizawa, standing close by, stared at the two but didn't activate his quirk to stop the boy.

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