clockwork ━

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chapter 19

The green scaled student stepped out into the light of day, surrounded by the muddy landscape. Hills of dirt and mud encircled their position with trenches and ditches everywhere. The terrain they were given as a battle grounds was more like a crater with mini sink holes inside of it rather than an actual terrain. The other landscapes their classmates received were much more manageable.

Miyata raised her armored hand above her head, shielding her eyes from the harsh sunlight. Her classmate and present teammate walked up next to her, surveying the ugly scenery. Miyata picked up her foot to see the bottom of her green boots covered in a thick layer of mud.

She sighed. "Alright, Shima. Let's do this."

Shimamura nodded. The nerves were starting to build up within her. A final exam against her aunt... with all of her classmates watching. Just the description of the whole thing confirmed her fears that this wouldn't end well.

"So here's the plan—"

Shimamura raised an eyebrow at Miyata as she started to explain some extravagant plan. And to be completely honest, she only heard and understood about 25% of it. They didn't have time for plans. To be fair, Shimamura already had another plan in mind.

"Now, I know we don't know a lot about Miss Arima's quirk..." Miyata thought out loud, "But if we stick together we can overpower her no problem. With my tendrils and your Taekwondo kicky kicks, we'll make this a piece of cake!" Miyata grinned and pounded her fist into her palm.

Shimamura blinked at her, then shook her head. No. Miyata's smile dipped down.


"Right now, Miss Arima isn't Miss Arima. She's Clockwork. What we need to do is stay as far apart from each other as we possibly can. If we can avoid staying out of her single line of sight, then we might have a chance. That's her only weakness. She can't take both of us if we do this."

Miyata just stared at her in surprise. "How do you know all that?"

Shimamura looked away, frowning. "It doesn't matter. Let's just pass..."

Miyata nodded, not asking many questions. When she needed to, Miyata could get serious in a hurry. A lot hinged on whether or not they passed.

From above them, they could hear the horn go off—signaling the start of their Final Exam. The two pro-heroes in training bolted off into a sprint, each running in a V shape towards the center. Shimamura ran up over one of the dirt hills that had blocked their vision... and it was then that she finally understood why this sinkhole was considered a fighting gym/terrain.

Stretching out for at least a mile was a giant sinkhole... bigger than the one she thought she was in before. There were little mounds in the hole that expelled jets of brown water up into the sky like geysers. They went on and off again, exploding upwards with immense force whenever they activated. Overall, the pit was disgusting. But it was obvious it'd be hard to cross. The exit seemed so far away...

Standing in the very center of the pit was none other than Irisa Arima herself—dressed in her Clockwork costume. A light blue trench coat with a pause button as a belt buckle. She had on a silver visor that formed a straight line across her eyes and forehead, reflecting everything like a mirror. She usually never wore her mask. But today was a special occasion.

Clockwork looked up at Shimamura from afar. Shimamura could see that cold smirk painted on her lips.

From the corner of her eye, Shimamura saw Miyata running down the side of the pit, making her way towards their enemy. Shimamura followed suit.

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