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chapter 66

s l i g h t gore warning

The earthquakes had ceased momentarily as the Seijin moved off of the mountain and the earthquake-quirk-holder was forced to take his hands from the ground and move with the group. But the damage had been done. Nagano was in ruins. Earthquakes had pillaged through all of Japan, but none as devastating as what happened here. All would feel the repercussions of the Seijin's power.

With the world in shambles, all would eventually find their place in the Seijin's plan—they'd find their purpose—just as Kimiko Miyazaki intended.

Kimiko practically skipped through the rubble of the City, glancing her hands across collapsed buildings and disintegrating walls. There were a few benches that had survived and stalls that stood just barely by one wooden leg, but nothing much else. Most civilians had cleared out of the wreckage and found safety, but not all. It was survival of the fittest, as Kimiko would say.

The Seijin followed behind their merciless leader in groups as they made sure to pick off any heroes that remained in the city. The members of the 'cult' walked coolly out of deserted alleys, walking away with warm smiles from their finished jobs. They had done exactly as she asked.

If anyone were to ask the Seijin members what their purpose in life was, as Kimiko so greatly believed everyone should have, their response would be clear and the same as all others. They would say: to serve the Wraith, to serve their God. There was no discernable difference between the two. In their eyes, the Wraith and God were virtually the same being. She was a profit and a priest. She was an angel and a devil. She was their bringer of faith and light. Bringer of life and death...

They were blind to her chaotic nature.


The red and black dressed villain halted abruptly on the cracked pavement. Her skirt floated in the wind beside her as she turned around towards the male voice. Her followers stopped as well and only a few turned to face the new presence while most of the others stayed facing Miyazaki, awaiting orders.

Kimiko smirked behind her blood red mask at the hero. Her head lulled to the side as she cocked her head down to stare at the hero above her mask.

"Keep on the path," Kimiko directed her followers without looking at them. "I can take care of this puny hero."

One of her closer followers nodded to her and beckoned for the others to follow. The rest weaved around their leader like ants in a line. They were small compared to her in regards to power, but not in physical size. And yet, she seemed to tower over them when they sped past her.

She opened her arms wide to the hero as she walked closer, as if offering a hug. "Mindjack! So glad to see you've joined the festivities! Seems you're a bit late to save the civilians—sorry about that. Just in time for cake, though!"

Shinsou frowned at her. Half of his mouth was clearly visible with his metal mask practically destroyed. The facial covering only covered half of his face and proved useless to him now. He was bruised and dusty from where he previously lay on the ground in his drained state. His purple hair was moreso a shade of gray from the dust than his natural hue. He felt weaker than he looked, however.

He didn't say a word to her, surprisingly.

Kimiko grinned behind her mask. "Not even a laugh? You heroes really are heartless."

She shrugged and gestured with her arms towards the destruction surrounding them. "No matter. I've already dealt with most of you. All you heroes can do now is sit and watch as your city burns and fades into nothing. When all is said and done, we will be the victors. The Seijin will rebuild this city from the ground up and bring mankind to its greatest standard. We will show people their purpose in life: to live, to serve, and to die. The perfect cycle. Life will have meaning, life will have purpose. You see, Mindjack, my intentions were never good nor bad."

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