━ reunion

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chapter 36

JULY 2ND, 9:35 AM
3 Months after Kagoshima
The morning of the Reunion

The green haired pro hero stood anxiously at the entrance of the small cafe in the heart of Japan, sheltered from the light drizzle by an umbrella. The cafe was located in the center of the island, but seemingly away from most of the popular, public spots. There were very few onlookers that happened to be walking past the little cafe due to the rain. And anyone that did happen to pass by, paid the unrecognizable Number One Hero no mind. Izuku Midoriya stood with a grey hood pulled over his head and a black privacy mask covering his nose and mouth.

The rain dampened the mood of the outdoors. Small puddles had collected on the concrete and water dripped from the few passerbys' umbrellas and raincoats. For a day in July, it was odd to have this kind of weather. It's supposed to be summer where the sun is always shining and it's hot and humid. But then again, it was still sickly humid. Just with a little rain mixed in.

Maybe the rain was a warning for the day ahead...

From across the sidewalk, three heroes dressed down in incognito civilian clothing ran to him. A massive grin struck his face as he saw his friends approaching. Kirishima, Todoroki, and Uraraka all waved at him and gave their greetings as they arrived at the little cafe Deku had rented out for their mini Class 1-A get together.

Just to make sure they had their privacy and as little press as possible clouding their otherwise happy reunion, Deku had to completely rent out the place. The cafe owners weren't too happy about it—that was until the hero made his claim to the money he would offer them. Then they were interested.

"The others should be arriving soon!" Midoriya expressed to his friends as he directed them inside the warm cafe.

Uraraka took a deep breath. The smells of baked goods and freshly brewed coffees and teas swarmed her nose. Her eyes closed in bliss. Even Todoroki basked in the warmth the cafe offered.

"Miyata shot me a text a couple minutes before we got here," Kirishima patted Midoriya on the shoulder as he walked in, "She said she'd probably be late. She and Sero were out on patrols late last night. Slept in I guess."

Uraraka raised an eyebrow at the redhead. "Slept in?"

Kirishima shrugged. "That's what she told me! We all know better than to question Tako."

The four mumbled in agreement.

"Iida and Tsu?" Todoroki asked.

Midoriya pursed his lips as he walked in to stand with his friends in the small cafe. The others would know to let themselves in.

"Oh, Tsu canceled last minute. Her agency needed her out in the field today. Iida is probably just around the block though. He got here before I did!"

Uraraka giggled. "Typical."

Ring—ding ring.

The glass door swung open and the little bell at the top corner chimed away to announce it. The four turned to see their very own Tenya Iida standing in the doorway... soaking wet.

"I simply wanted to promote timeliness!" Iida argued his case.

"Hey man!" Kirishima waved.

"You're dripping all over the place!" Uraraka yelped as she rushed to get a napkin from the nearby table. Todoroki was slower to move to help her, but he helped nonetheless. He stood next to Iida like a heat lamp, using his fire side to warm him up.

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