━ questions

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chapter 26


"Alright. Everyone's here. Everyone on the bus." Aizawa motioned for his class to start loading into the vehicle.

Class 1-A stood outside their Alliance dorm building, yawning with tired eyes. Some were more energetic than others. All were nervous. They were too caught up in their own minds to try to have a meaningful conversation with one another. As soon as Aizawa gave them direction, they followed suit. Like soldiers in an army. Tokoyami, Sero, Sato, Koda, Ashido, Mineta, Uraraka, Miyata, Iida, and others stepped up and into the bus. Walking in a single file line.

Just as Kirishima was about to step up, Yaoyorozu's voice rose from behind him.

"Mister Aizawa—Where is Shima?"

Kirishima stopped and turned. Bakugou raised an eyebrow at the redhead before peeking behind him as well. The few that weren't on the bus looked around and squinted into the tinted windows of the bus. Their white haired classmate was nowhere to be found. Midoriya was suddenly wide awake now.

"I didn't see her leave her room this morning. I just assumed she woke up earlier than we did." He added.

Aizawa took a deep breath, interlocking his hands behind him. His dry eyes narrowed. His posture straightened up and his mouth twitched. Whether it be nerves or agitation, they couldn't decipher between the two. But something was off.

"Shimamura won't be coming to the Provisional License Exam today. She is extremely ill," he replied curtly.

"Wait what?" Jirou blurted out, shocked.

"Then when will she take the License Exam? This doesn't seem fair!" Uchiha crossed her arms across her chest, glaring at a problem she couldn't face.

Aizawa shook his head, calmly. "She'll have another opportunity in the future. When indescribable circumstances like this happens... the examinees are always given another chance."

Indescribable circumstances? Midoriya thought. What a grim way to label being sick.

Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Todoroki, Uchiha, Midoriya, and Kirishima all nodded along. Relieved for their friend.

Todoroki commented, "She did say she wasn't feeling well last night."

"Poor thing." Uchiha puffed out her lip in a pout.

Aizawa took his hands forward again and motioned to hurry up. "Don't worry about your classmate. You all have a big day ahead of you."

We can't have what happened with Bakugou last time repeat itself... At least, we hope it's not what we fear. Aizawa couldn't help but dread.

They nodded and loaded onto the bus. Midoriya and Uchiha being the last two to step up. Mr. Aizawa glanced left and right before turning and starting to head down the sidewalk. Midoriya stopped.

Is he not coming with us?

"Are you not riding with us, Aizawa?" Uchiha asked first, always aware of Aizawa's presence.

Their teacher eyed them in the corner of his eye, not meeting their gaze. He acted stressed and nervous—almost painfully concerned.

"I'll be on shortly. I have to check in with Class 2-B to make sure they are situated as well."

Class 2-B... That's Miss Arima's class.

"Is Miss Arima not going with them?" Midoriya asked.

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