welcome ━

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chapter 15


It was obvious that Shimamura wasn't too happy about being in a class where she felt out of place. She stuck out like a sore thumb. The one sheep dog within a herd of sheep. She didn't belong with them. If anything, her job was to scare them away.

After her introduction and sparring session with her new classmates, Shimamura convinced herself that she would never earn the others' trust. Bakugou didn't like her. That was pretty evident. Kirishima and Ashido somehow warmed up to her after fighting with her, but only them. The others in Class 1-A were still confused and wary as to why she was there. Shimamura took that as them not wanting anything to do with her.

And she was ok with that.

Bzz bzz

Shimamura looked down into her backpack sitting on the floor next to her desk. Her phone from within fizzled to life as a text notification popped up on the lock screen. She reached and picked it up, swiping into the phone without really checking who had texted her.

Shinsou: 'Got stuck grading papers. How's class on your end?'

A smile tugged at the corners of Shimamura's lips. Even after the results of the Transfer Program, Shimamura and Shinsou were still close friends. He didn't hold it against her for giving it her all to make it into the Hero Course. He did the same.

Aizawa was curled up in his sleeping bag behind the podium while the rest of the class was chatting amongst themselves, multitasking and working on a math assignment. However, they were doing more talking than they were working.

Shimamura: 'The best.'

The little '. . .' bubble appeared and disappeared just as fast.

Shinsou: 'I'm sensing sarcasm.'

Shimamura: 'Me? Never.'

Shinsou: 'That miserable, huh?'

Shimamura: 'They HATE me.'

Shinsou: 'Doubt it. No one could hate you.'

"Uhh... Shimamura?"

Shimamura's blue eyes darted upwards from her phone screen. Standing in front of her desk was a green haired boy and a short sort of mushroom haired girl just next to him. The brown haired girl smiled and waved excitedly at Shimamura.

She put her phone face down on the table. "Hi."

"Hi!" The green haired boy, Midoriya, smiled. "We just wanted to apologize for what happened the other day... when you joined the class. We were just confused is all."

He awaited some sort of response but she remained quiet. If anything, she just shrunk in her seat as if she felt like she was being scolded. Midoriya pressed on anyway.

"We're super happy you're here!"

"Yeah!" Uraraka grinned and gave Shimamura a thumbs up. "We need some more girl power in this class!"


Shimamura glanced to her right. It was only then that she realized the entire class had gone quiet to listen in on Midoriya's apology to Shimamura. When Midoriya said 'we' he really meant the entire class. They were all staring intently towards the conversation with some of her new classmates nodding along in agreement. Tsuyu in particular had her tongue out, nodding with her eyes closed.

Shimamura blushed. She ducked down in her seat again. Maybe this is them trying to figure out a way to get me to leave...

No matter what they had said to her, her mind somehow found a way to twist their words. It was as if she wanted them to hate her. It's not that she wanted enemies.

She just didn't want people she would have to share her secrets with.

"As a peace offering, we present cake!" Kaminari marched up to her desk with a plate of cake in hand. Chocolate cake.

He set it down on her desk, staring at her expectantly. Shimamura glanced down at it then up at Kaminari's nervous stance. She gave him a once over and tried to smile lightly.

"Ah... Thank you." She murmured.

She doesn't believe us, Midoriya realized.

Midoriya spoke up again. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

Shimamura stared at him with a sort of glazed look. But then the rest of the class pitched in as well.

"Denki Kaminari! Great to meet ya!"

"I'm Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu."

"Ochaco Uraraka!"

"Hollo~! Tako Miyata over here!"


"I'm Sero. That's Bakugou, but you already know that—"

"SHUT UP! I don't need you to speak for me! The name's Katsuki Bakugou! Don't you damn forget it!"

Shimamura looked over at the shouting blonde. He had his fist around the collar of Sero's shirt, but he wasn't looking at him. He was staring—glaring—at Shimamura. She blinked at him then looked around at the entire class that had all suddenly introduced themselves to her. She was stunned.

"It's great to meet you." Midoriya smiled at her from the front of her desk. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "What's your name?"

Shimamura sat in awe for a few moments. They didn't hate her. They didn't want her gone. They didn't even really know her and yet... and yet here they are accepting her.

Tears spawned at the corners of her eyes. All those tests. All those trainings and fights. All of that wasn't to become a pro hero. All that work wasn't for nothing either. It was for this. To be in the Hero Course. To be among the people she felt like she belonged with in her heart.

She wasn't let down.

"I'm Tikki Shimamura... but my friends call me Shima."

The purple headed Tako Miyata grinned from the back of the classroom. She gave Shimamura that name.

Midoriya's eyes glimmered with excitement and happiness. A job well-done.

"Welcome to Class 1-A."

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