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chapter 59

JULY 16TH, 7:39 AM

The green eyed hero looked out over the city from their makeshift lookout. The wind rushed by him, creating a sort of whirring next to his ear every time a big gust passed him by. He sighed and crossed his arms in the windy climate of Morioka, Japan. The mountain range of Iwate was placed just behind them, as silent as it usually was.

The hero stood in a sort of watchtower, taking on the look of a water tower to conceal what it truly was. This was the heroes' base of operations for their future battle in Morioka.

His eyes scoured the giant city beyond them. The people of Morioka busied themselves with their daily lives, without a care in the world besides the occasional earthquakes that constantly wrecked through their city. They continued their day to day lives through it all, not knowing of the events that were about to unfold here. The heroes should be evacuating the citizens already, but they had to wait. If they started evacuating too early, then the Wraith would move on with her legion of Seijin and cause some disaster elsewhere, somewhere they weren't prepared for.

"Deku," a voice called from behind him.

The green hero turned to face whoever had called out to him. His serious expression remained steady with his compatriot as they walked over to stand next to him. His friend's face looked distraught. He was worried about something.

"Shoto," Deku said back, "Everything going okay?"

Shoto nodded once. "Uravity, Ingenium, and Mirko are surveying the surroundings right now. We have an approximation of where the Seijin's hideout is and we'll be able to proceed once we verify they're there."

Deku nodded. His heart beat rapidly inside his chest. For some reason, these stealthier missions always made him more anxious than any average mission. But this was a bigger quest than any other hero could possibly imagine. This was their chance to defeat their greatest foes of their modern day war.

"We can do this," Deku mumbled, mostly to reassure himself.

"We've prepared for this day. We're ready."

"The Wraith is impulsive. She could strike any time now. As soon as she feels the opportunity is right, she'll launch her attack and—"


Midoriya and Todoroki turned to see a new presence enter the heroes' lookout tower. The pink and white dressed Uravity rushed into the room, panting from running up the stairs to get there probably. She had her helmet and visor in her hand at her side and stared at them with teary eyes.

"Uraraka? What's wrong? Did you find their hideout? Where's Mirko and Iida?" Deku couldn't help but spit out a thousand questions at once. He was worried the second he heard the fearful tone of her voice.

She murmured something that neither hero could hear.

"What?" Deku asked, requesting that she speak up.

She said, louder this time, "They're not here."

Deku's heart dropped into his stomach. The thin hairs on his neck rose up and for a second he thought he accidentally activated his quirk with the sudden electrical surge shooting through him from shock. He shook his head and stared at her in disbelief.

"W-what?" He repeated.

She nodded profusely. "Mirko and I found the hideout and it was empty. We went in and searched everywhere. There were tunnels but they haven't been used in months. Iida ran them the whole length through. They're not here and they definitely don't plan to come here anytime soon. There's nothing there. It's empty."

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