━ tremors

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chapter 60

JULY 20th, 7:46 AM

"I'll change and we can head down for breakfast," Shimamura called to him from the bathroom door of their hotel room.

Bakugou groaned back as a response and picked his coffee cup up from the bedside table, sliding open the balcony doors.

"Hurry up. I'm starving," Bakugou grumbled.

She giggled behind him and he could hear her close the bathroom door and disappear. He glanced back then stepped out onto the balcony. He brushed a hand through his messy bed head and leaned back against the wall of the hotel building, sighing. A soft smile curled at the edges of his lips, although he tried to stop it. He could hardly believe this was reality.

Him and Shimamura on vacation together for the past week without a care in the world. No hero work. No damn nerd, Deku, calling them in. Just them. A month ago he would've never imagined it. After 5 years of silence, who would've predicted this is where they'd be today?

Bakugou sipped his coffee on the balcony of the hotel room. He was groggy and somewhat exhausted. His tired eyes barely even opened to see the expansive city beneath him. He rubbed the back of his neck. There was silence through the city and peace... but such peace wouldn't last forever. It never does.

Something creaked from below him. He opened his tired eyelids and stepped to the edge of the balcony, leaning over the ledge to try to see the source of the noise. He put his coffee cup down on the table and peeked out over the metal railing. But that was a mistake as soon as he put his cup down. The creaking was followed by a sudden swaying of the entire building. The ground shook beneath him. The railing quivered at its hinges and began cracking at the sides, swinging outwards from the balcony and nearly throwing the blond pro hero off with it. The coffee cup clattered off the metal table and shattered on the cement flooring of the balcony, spilling hot liquid everywhere and glass everywhere else.

He staggered backwards, reaching for anything to hold onto to stabilize himself so he wouldn't go tumbling off the twenty story building. His hand latched onto the edge of the doorframe, holding him as steady as he could be. His crimson eyes surveyed the city again as the ground continued to shake and tremble beneath him.

Although the building he currently stood on was swaying by the beams it was held up by, he could see every building in the city shaking with the same force he was currently being dealt. He wearily stood and jumped into the hotel room for a better footing. As soon as he stepped off, the balcony flooring crumbled and collapsed into nothingness. Like a row of dominos, the balconies crashed down, one upon the other, until they came to crash into an explosion of ash and debris at the ground floor, probably blocking the entrance to the building. Bakugou held on for dear life to the edge of the door frame, worried the entire hotel might collapse any second.

"What the f—?!" Bakugou shouted out as he stared at the quaking city.

Nagano City was practically crumbling to pieces, but the worst was yet to come. This city was supposed to be free of these earthquakes. There had been so many less here than anywhere else. What changed?! The city was suddenly an epicenter of destruction.

The quaking ceased after a few seconds, but something in him told him that wasn't the last earthquake he'd endure.

His phone rang from the bedside table. He grumbled as he dragged his hand across the wall to reach his phone, in case another tremor suddenly struck. He angrily picked up the phone and shouted into the receiving end:

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