something wrong ━

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chapter 27

During the Provisional License Exam
New League of Villains Warehouse

Shimamura's head hung low, letting her chin meet her clavicle. She was exhausted. She hadn't slept in over 24 hours... at least, that's what she thought. Maybe it was longer. Maybe it was shorter. She had no sense of time in this warehouse. No windows. No doors. No shed of sunlight anywhere in her field of vision. She wondered if she was underground or if the League was smart enough to board up all their windows to keep their prisoners crazy.

She twisted her wrists in her bindings, but to no avail. All it did was grind more red markings into her pale skin. The metal cuffs overtop of her hands made her arms heavy, trying to pull her into the ground from the sole weight. Her shoulders hunched forward to keep from sliding back and leaving her neck exposed. In the presence of Himiko Toga, she knew to be careful.

Her crystalline blue eyes nearly matched in hue of the light grey smoke the Wraith currently puffed out of her mouth. Her cigarette positioned between her index and middle finger.

The strange villain lounged on a velvet red, dirty, chair across from Shimamura's chair. The Wraith sat sideways so her back was propped up on one arm of the chair while her legs dangled off the opposite arm.

The black skirt was draped over the head of the chair so both her bare legs were visible. The other dagger holster was then made visible on her usually hidden leg. For as long as Shimamura sat in that room, the Wraith never took her mask off.

She also wouldn't stop smoking.

She let out another puff of smoke, sighing. "When U.A. said they were getting new dorms for all their students, I was expecting something a bit... nicer? Maybe giant mansions for all their classes?" Miyazaki shrugged. "I presume they were on a budget after they probably had to beg the parents to let their children to come back."

She had been monologuing for almost the entire time that Shimamura had been sitting in that chair. She hadn't asked her prisoner many questions, but she also didn't expect her to stay so quiet. It was as if Miyazaki wanted to make conversation with her captive.

But Shimamura just listened on, unresponsive.

"Parents can be such a bother sometimes. Don't you think?" The Wraith glanced at Shimamura with her piercing golden eyes. Her pupils were always dilated.

Shimamura kept her head down, not making eye contact. The Wraith rolled her eyes, smirking. She put her cigarette out on the cement floor and stood up, tossing the bud to the side. She casually stretched her back out and walked over to a small table in the corner that Shimamura hadn't noticed before.

"You know, T, you really are such a good conversationalist." When Miyazaki had started calling Shimamura, 'T', she couldn't remember. The sarcasm practically dripped from Miyazaki's voice. "I almost think they might miss you."

Shimamura peeked up, staring at Miyazaki across the room. The woman's slim silhouette spun around almost instantly to face her captive again. She had another, new cigarette in her hand. A lighter in the other. She lit it with ease and tossed the metal lighter back on the table.

The Wraith sauntered over to Shimamura's chair and cocked her head to the side to stare down at her, almost at a ninety degree angle. Shimamura imagined the villain had fangs behind her mask, decorating her already horrific smile. Horrific, yet charming.

"I love your hair, dear." She put her cigarette under her mask and between her teeth, picking up a strand of Shimamura's hair with both hands. She combed through it with her long, red nails. Soothingly.

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