the mole ━

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chapter 53


The purple haired pro hero itched his arm nervously as he stood in the damp and dark cavern of the sewage line running underneath Tokyo. He picked his foot up and put it down again, hearing the mush slush around and bubble at his feet. He closed his eyes and groaned, making a mental note to clean his shoes when they got out of this horrible place.

The three other pro heroes climbed their way down the ladder and landed in the mush beside Shinsou, currently in his Mindjack hero suit. Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Tako Miyata made varying noises of disgust as they dropped into the muck. Miyata took her 8 tendrils into her arms and held them up like a pile of laundry to keep them from dipping into the sewage water. She pinched her nose, trying not to throw up in her mouth. The sewage pipe was disgusting, as to be expected.

Why were these 4 well-known heroes in the sewers? Well there's an easy answer to that.

They're having a secret meeting with an outside source.

The Seijin and the pro heroes have been at each other's throats for the last 5 years since the League of Villains met its doom. The Seijin weren't necessarily stronger than the League, but they were definitely smarter. They could outsmart the masses with the Wraith as the villain in charge. She was the mastermind of it all... as usual. She vowed to be every heroes' demise. For a short while when the Seijin were first developing, the heroes needed a leg up and they needed it fast. They could hold the Seijin off for as long as they wanted, but they needed a strategy to take the Seijin down for good.

The only way they knew how was by ripping out the Seijin from the inside out. And what better way to do that than with a spy on the inside?

Shinsou stuffed his hands into his pant pockets as he walked beside Deku. The green haired hero raised an eyebrow at his friend's funny walk. For a second, Shinsou almost looked like he was mimicking Kacchan's gremlin walk.

"You never ask me to come to these things," Shinsou grumbled to him.

"I know, sorry about this. He asked for you specifically though. It's important."

"I know it's important. It doesn't change the fact that I hate being in a sewage pipe."

Midoriya chuckled and shook his head.

Just up ahead there was a mellow light shining against the wall of the sewer. The light reflected off of the metal walls and shined into the sewage water in the crevasse beside the walkway, revealing the gunk that truly dwelled in the sewers. But standing on the walkway, casting his shadow onto the liquid muck, was a tall figure with dark hair. He had on a black coat and a torn white shirt. His eyes were tired but his eye bags were unlike the usual. They were purple and wilting, peeling away from his face only to be held on by staples.

The one person that no one expected to turn on their own allegiance: Dabi, aka Touya Todoroki.

Dabi raised a hand and waved to them as they neared him. For caution, they stood a few feet away from him. Shinsou let out a hot breath and crossed his arms across his chest. He knew that Dabi was supposedly on their side now since he was their informant for Seijin activity, but it didn't change the way he felt about him. Dabi used to be as bad as one could be in the villain world. And then all of a sudden he became a Todoroki and they're all good now?

Nope. Shinsou never bought it.

"Touya," Shoto greeted. He walked over to his brother and they had a weird embrace of holding each other's forearms before stepping away from each other.

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