sensima ━

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chapter 1

JUNE 21st, 10:31 AM
2 months after Kagoshima

The world is crumbling. Haven't you heard? The world is crumbling and it's starting with her.

"Everyone!" The male voice called out, his voice shifting in tones and pitches. "Stay behind me!"

The building crumbled bit by bit above the heads of teenagers and the single pro-hero, defending the group from all harm. His metallic mask fell from his mouth, allowing him to breathe through something other than mechanical gears. He clenched his jaw. His eyes squinted through dusty lenses. The teenagers behind him screamed as the rubble fell next to them in a loud crash.

C'mon, where'd you go?

Slinging his arms out from his sides, the white material wrapped around his shoulders and wrists followed his movements in a quick darting line. The thick white felt wrapped around the supporting beams of the 20 story building which were slowly collapsing. Everything was crumbling.

The pro hero leaned back on his heels, groaning as he tugged on the scarf with all his might. The fabric needed to hold for just a little longer.

"C'mon!" His inner thoughts were replaced by audible shouts. He wasn't calling to his strength, he was calling to his partner.

In the distance and into the darkness of the falling building, a faint silhouette began to form. The silhouette drew closer and closer. Running. The extensive purple ribbons of the female hero's suit showed clear through the darkness. Her white hair struck a bright contrast to the destructive and grim background. Rubble and giant whole pieces of the floor above rained down on the figure. She dipped to the side and dodged again, narrowly avoiding a sofa almost crushing her.

In her arms, there was a small child, wrapped in her purple ribbons which usually flew behind her. The protective material sheltered the child from the violent attacks of the building. Everything crumbled around them. The building was ready to close its mouth on the hero and child and seal their fates with its cracked teeth.

The purple haired pro hero on the outside held the building up with his capture weapon. But it wouldn't hold long. He tugged, he pulled—he slipped. The white ribbons suddenly loosened themselves from the support beams and he fell backwards to the ground, unable to catch his balance. He reached out, eyes wide, sensing the worst.

The support beams folded in on themselves and the building followed suit. The floors dropped in a vertical line, collapsing one after another. The dust accumulated at the top of the towering building as it dropped like a plume of smoke exploding upwards. The pro hero on the inside held her position, halting, holding the child in her arms. She could hear every floor collapsing, growing ever closer to their position. She reached behind her back, preparing herself.

"Sensima!" The male hero yelled, his voice somehow still quiet as he projected.

The dust fumed from the building as the final floor collapsed onto the ground floor. The teens behind the pro hero shielded their faces with their arms, screaming. The hero stood up in a hurry, using his scarf as a shield against the destructive force of the building.

The dust started to clear and his ribbons fell away. His eyes danced around. He took a step forward, searching, praying.

"Oi?!" He yelled again, awaiting a reply.


The majority of the dust settled against the ground. It acted like a thin layer of fog, hiding the floor. The clearing revealed the remains of the once tall building. Some of the walls were still standing but most everything else piled on top of each other in some distorted order. Floors and paintings and chairs and furniture covered the ground, toppling over the fog of dust. However, there was one formation out of place for the disorganized rubble.

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