━ trapped

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chapter 38

Thursday, 12:13 PM

Class 1-A was scattered about the cafeteria for lunch. Some sat in bigger clusters than others, but they were all present somewhere in the large room. All of U.A.'s student body had gathered in the cafeteria for lunch. Except for the Support Course students who were in their workshops working on some sort of big project.

Shimamura sat with Uchiha, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Jiro, and Kaminari. Uchiha had her arm wrapped around Shimamura's, huddling close to her as they ate their lunches. Shimamura giggled with her best friend as Uchiha mumbled some silly story in her ear.

Shimamura took a deep breath, letting her eyes scan the half-empty lunch tray. She lost her appetite a little while ago, but didn't say anything about it. She tried her best to hide her current state.

Current bipolar level: 4

She itched the bridge of her nose, sniffling. From next to her, Uchiha burst out laughing at something Sero said. Following along, Shimamura laughed as well, trying to act as normal as possible around her friends. She didn't want to dampen the mood.

"Hey Bakugou!" Kirishima waved his blond friend over to their table. "We saved you a seat!"

The crimson eyed student sauntered over to the table, holding his food tray steady in front of him. His eyes glossed over his friends, staring at Shimamura for half a second. Her attention lifted to him as Kirishima spoke up, but as soon as the two made eye contact, she looked away. Uchiha noticed.

"Teeks?" She questioned, aware of her sudden change in demeanor.

"I'm gonna head back to class. The bell should be ringing soon anyway." Shimamura replied nonchalantly, picking up an apple from her tray but leaving the rest.

Uchiha raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Are you sure? I can head back with you if you want."

"No need. You can stay here with..." she paused, "our friends." Shimamura gave her a slight smile, but it didn't reach her clouded eyes. "See you in class, Uchi."

Uchiha returned the half-smile as Shimamura slid out of her chair and walked away. As soon as Uchiha's eyes left Shimamura, Shimamura's smile melted away instantaneously. Bakugou watched it happen.

She passed him without gracing him with any sort of look or glare. She didn't give him the slightest acknowledgement that she saw him. It's been like this all week... ever since she found out he knew the truth about her bipolarity.

She was treating him exactly like she was treating Midoriya. Ignoring him. Barely even acknowledging his presence or that he existed.

Bakugou gripped the edges of his food tray. This is his fault.

"Deku..." He growled under his breath.

Sero glanced at Bakugou who stood rigid next to where he sat. "You good?"

Bakugou didn't answer him.

He slammed the food tray down onto the table, not caring about the rice that tumbled off of the tray and spilt everywhere. In fact, he didn't care about anything except for that damn nerd who was somewhere in the cafeteria. He just had to find him.

The blond spun around and marched directly in the direction of a green tuft of hair, sticking up from a booth not far from where theirs was located. He grabbed onto the back of Deku's collar, lifting him up out of his seat. Deku whirled around and put his hands up in defense.

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