━ dead to me

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chapter 42

quick note about the new header image in case you didn't know this before:
the character on the left is Miyazaki / the Wraith
the character on the right is Irisa Arima / Clockwork


Through closed eyes, she could still see the light creeping into the room in the early morning hours. She furrowed her eyebrows and groaned, hugging the bed sheets in an attempt to fall back asleep.

She sniffed the soft fabric... it smelled sweet. Like a mix of cologne and caramel. Clean, but a strange scent nonetheless. Definitely not the same fragrance of her comforter in her own dorm room. Her eyes opened with a jolt, forgetting where she was for a moment. She sat up and looked around frantically at her surroundings.

For a second, she thought she was back in the warehouse with the Wraith and the League of Villains. Back as their prisoner.

However, it took her a few moments to remember that she was in Bakugou's room. She let out a breath. Her heartbeat slowed and her eyes fluttered as she felt her entire body relax. She wasn't in danger... Not here at least. She looked around the oddly neat room, staring up at the single All Might poster hidden behind the closet door. She scoffed. She figured he couldn't help it.

To her dismay, however, he was nowhere in the room. Her hands flattened against the bed, feeling the soft sheets against her palms, weaving through her fingers. Her hand stopped next to the empty space in the bed next to her, feeling the warmth radiating off of the spot.

She stared down at the dent in the bed and the messy comforter next to where she lay. She couldn't remember moving into his bed... nor could she remember falling asleep here. He must've stayed with her the whole night through.

A blush crept onto her cheeks. He must've been holding her through the night trying to help her. Soothe her.

The blush quickly dissipated as she remembered why she was here.


Shimamura sighed and slid back on the bed, leaning against the bed frame with her legs tucked up against her chest, holding her knees. She tilted her head back against the wall, closing her eyes. Mentally, she self-accessed her current state...

Current bipolar level: 3


Shimamura opened her eyes, hearing the voice call out to her. Standing in the center of the room was Bakugou with a towel across his shoulder and a toothbrush in his mouth. He raised an unamused eyebrow at her, water dripping from his naturally spiky hair. He must've just gotten out of the shower... but she didn't hear him walk in.

She didn't even hear the door open.

"Hey..." she mumbled to him.

"You doin' ok?" He was cautious with his words. Not wanting to overstep and have her start crying again. He wasn't great with that sort of situation... But as far as he could tell, she was fine for now.

She nodded slowly. Her eyes glanced to the side, as if she were annoyed.

"You wanna explain it?" He asked.

"No... but I will." She sat up from the bed frame and leaned forward, sitting with her legs criss crossed.

Her white hair which was usually neatly tied up in a bun with the majority of her hair protruding from the bottom of the bun in two delicate strands was definitely not as neat after sleeping. Her white hair was completely down and fluttering around her shoulders and covering much more of her face than she usually had. Her clouded blue eyes were almost entirely covered by her unnatural white hair.

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