━ the pill bottle

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chapter 18

Final Exams

Class 1-A had been divided up into teams of two for their physical exams. The soon-to-be epic battles between teachers and students. Most were excited, all were nervous.

Bakugou and Deku were paired up to fight All Might. Kirishima and Sato against Cementoss. Momo and Todoroki and Uchiha against their own teacher, Mr. Aizawa. They were the only group of three, since Shimamura's addition to the class made it an odd number.

But Uchiha definitely wasn't complaining.

"I'm facing off against Aizawa. Someone pinch me." Uchiha fanned herself with her hand, almost crying.

Miyata reached over and pinched Uchiha's forearm, hard.

Uchiha yelped. "Ow!"

Miyata's mouth turned upwards into a childish grin. Her shiny white teeth glistened in the dim indoor lighting. In fact, her smile was probably brighter than the whole room.

"You said to pinch you! I happily obliged!" She remarked.

Uchiha laughed, rolling her eyes.

The entirety of Class 1-A had relocated to one of the interior gyms. There were half a dozen TV and computer monitors hooked up to the far wall where they could watch the Final Exam battles go on. Sato and Kirishima's match had started only a few minutes ago, but everyone else was prepping themselves for the battles ahead. It was evident that Miyata and Uchiha, along with a few others, were less visibly anxious. But deep down, they were shaking to the core.

Shimamura couldn't hide her anxieties.

She stood next to Miyata, rubbing her forearm as she stared up at the screens. Silent as a mouse. She didn't even notice Miyata or Uchiha's interaction.

Miyata elbowed Shimamura slightly, grabbing her attention.

"Hollo~! Earth to Shima!"

Shimamura glanced at her friend, still frowning. "Sorry?"

"I asked if you were excited! We're teamed up together! This'll be funnn!" Miyata grinned.

Shimamura pursed her lips. She nodded once. "Yeah... It'll be fun."

Miyata giggled. But Uchiha gave her a funny look. The onyx eyed girl cocked her head to the side as she stared at Shimamura.

"What's got your tails in a bunch? You've practically proved yourself to the class already. You even have Aizawa's full attention—" she rolled her eyes, but continued anyway, "—What's up?"

Shimamura shook her head, mustering up a fake smile. "Nothing. Just the nerves kicking in. Sato and Kirishima seem like they're having a tough time. I can't imagine how we'll all fair."

Uchiha and Miyata shrugged in unison. They turned their attention back to the screens—but Shimamura could tell Uchiha was more concerned with staring at Aizawa from across the room. A little teacher's crush never hurt anybody.

Shimamura hung her head down, staring at the ground. A little lie never hurt anybody either. It's true that Miyata and Shimamura were paired together for the final exam... but who they were fighting against is what had Shimamura so struck with grief.

Their opponent was Miss Arima, the Class 2-B teacher. Shimamura's aunt.

But no one else knew of their relation besides Kirishima.

Shimamura worried the class might think she somehow cheated her way into the Hero Course since her aunt works at U.A. Or perhaps that Shimamura had some sort of advantage with her grades and training. But another concern was her aunt. What if she loses? What if she can't beat her? What if—

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