━ fun and games

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chapter 16

The weekend after Tikki's introduction to Class 1-A


"You're way too good at this game..."

Shimamura passed the XBox controller to Kirishima who was sitting on the ground. Shimamura, on the other hand, was sitting above Kirishima on top of her bed. She sat criss cross and smiled as he complimented her gaming abilities.

"I have a lot of downtime to play it." Shimamura shrugged.

"I do too! But I hardly get as many elims as you! And you're playing support!" Kirishima laughed as he boots up another game.

"That's not really a good thing to get eliminations as a healer." Shimamura mumbled as he selected his attack based character.

Kirishima shook his head, tsking. "Yeah but you get heals in too. You're like the perfect support!"

Shimamura giggled. "Thanks."

The two were kicked back in Shimamura's room at her aunt's house. Her walls were painted a cool lavender with posters of her aunt and mother as pros. They were partners in their prime. There was a single window but it was covered by a thin white shade that blocked out most of the natural light. Along the perimeter of the entire room were giant bean bags of every color. There wasn't a single inch of the wall that wasn't covered by a beanbag.

The only empty space was by the large door to the right of the TV. The beanbags were an odd design choice. They made the room feel cramped and claustrophobic even. But they were necessary.

"Already dead!" Kirishima groaned and put the controller over his eyes as his character waited to respawn.

Shimamura pressed a button on his controller as he set it atop his face to make the respawn process go quicker. She smiled down at him, looming over his face. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Good thing you have a team to count on. You'd have lost the point by now!"

Kirishima bared his sharp teeth, smirking at her. "Great encouragement, Shima. Real helpful."

She giggled. She pressed on the remote again and sat up. He took it in his hand and kept playing. They had been playing for hours now. If anyone saw them, they would've thought they'd been friends for years. When in reality, they'd just become fast friends in a few days.

Kirishima was one of the few who trusted her the day she arrived in Class 1-A. That changed, obviously, but he and Ashido were still the first. They both held a special place in Shimamura's heart now. Similar to her experience with Shinsou, she felt she could trust Kirishima. But not to the same level that she trusted Shinsou.

Kirishima was different. Kirishima was a shoulder to lean on, someone she could play video games with, and someone who she probably didn't deserve. He is too good for this world. Much too good for Shimamura.

"Hey Shima!"

He snapped her out of her thoughts. She didn't realize how long she had been zoned out until she noticed the game was already over. There was a large red DEFEAT logo on the screen. She blinked and looked down at him.


"You good? Kinda lost you there."

"No, I'm fine. What's up?" She smiled.

Kirishima raised an eyebrow but shrugged. He spun around so he is facing her rather than the TV. He looked up at her with a pouty frown.

"You ready for the math test soon?"

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