understanding ━

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chapter 17

The day after

Much to her aunt's chagrin, Shimamura was going to go study with Kirishima and Bakugou. Arima made countless arguments as to why Shima shouldn't go, but it was no use.

Usually, Shimamura was very easily convinced by everything her aunt told her. But since Kirishima had already convinced her to go, there was nothing her aunt could do to tell her otherwise.

One such argument was the fact that Arima simply and not-so-subtly does not like Katsuki Bakugou. There was just something about him that ticked her off ever so slightly. Shimamura assumed it was just the way he was always shouting and flaunting his quirk at any chance he got. Her aunt fought to protect Shimamura from those kinds of people. But for some reason... Shimamura had an inkling that isn't the real reason why Arima hates him so.

Whatever the case, Shimamura was going to study with him anyway.

"Hey! Shima!"

Shimamura turned to see around the gate in front of her house. She smiled, seeing the bright Kirishima walking along the sidewalk toward her. He had on a white shirt, heavily contrasting from his spiky red hair. Shimamura waved to him.

"Ready to go?" He called out.

"Yup!" She ran out the gate and rushed up to Kirishima.

Shimamura wore a dark purple sweater that was about about two sizes too big. Her hands were completely covered by the sleeves and the shirt extended to the middle of her thighs. One side was tucked in to her black leggings.

"Let's start walkin'. Bakugou will kill us if we're late!"

"Does he even know I'm coming?"


Shimamura blinked. Something about that didn't seem right. He was too quick with his response. Too high pitched.

She started to argue but he was already off in the direction of their meeting spot. That little—

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Ring. Ring.

Kirishima held the door open for Shimamura as she walked into the small cafe in Kona—the small little shopping and eating center by U.A. It was a popular hangout spot for most students mainly because of the little cafe located here.

They sold the best hot chocolates and pastries. It was owned by a little elderly couple who were trying very hard to pass the cafe down to their children and grandchildren. As far as Shimamura or Kirishima knew, they haven't been very successful. In any case, the students hoped the cafe wouldn't be closing any time soon.

Kirishima waved to one of the tables in the back of the cafe. Shimamura looked to see he was waving at Bakugou who was relentlessly rapping his pencil on the table. His brows were furrowed as he glared at Kirishima and (by association) Shimamura. He didn't wave back.

Kirishima took Shimamura's wrist and yanked her over to the table. Bakugou put his pencil down and turned his head away to look out the window. Shimamura frowned. She shouldn't be here.

"Hey Bakugou! We're ready to study!"

"The hell is she doing here?" Bakugou said bitterly,

Shimamura raised a skeptical eyebrow at Kirishima. "I thought you said he knew I was coming."

Kirishima sucked in a breath, baring his sharp teeth in an awkward smile. He laughed. No one else laughed. Shimamura crossed her arms and Bakugou turned back to him to send him the worst death glare. Kirishima shrugged dramatically.

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