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"changbin, your shift is up," a yell was heard from the back of the bar. "you can go now."

tired, changbin finished what he was doing and gathered his things. looking in the mirror, he grimaced at his own eye circles, deciding that tonight he'd sleep as early as possible. he headed out of the back room and said goodbye to his manager, chan, after cautiously checking that the keys to the underground studio were well out of sight.

he always wore the biggest coat he could in winter (even though it looked strange and out of place over his professional uniform). being 1am, the streets weren't the safest to be walking down on your own. the pavements were near black, only glowing under the occasional lamppost. changbin wasn't one to get paranoid, but little noises here and there startled him. disregarding bursts of anxiety, his walks home were peaceful. he felt it was the only time he got to just think.

as his feet - which were aching after a long 10 hour shift - were dragging him home, changbin felt his pocket vibrate, indicating he'd a message. he smiled softly to himself and made a mental note to check it as soon as he got inside, already knowing who it was.

he and felix had been talking for about three weeks now. despite not knowing much about the younger boy, he'd developed a little soft spot for him. changbin was typically very reserved nowadays and found it hard to make friends outside of his current circle, so this change of pace - while unfamiliar - was nice for him.

however, he had to remind himself that it wasn't smart to get close to anyone too quickly - to let his guard down around someone he barely even knows. for all changbin knew, felix could have been a violent, homicidal maniac. he didn't believe that for a second, but the possibility remained very real.

swinging open his door after enjoying his walk, changbin hung up his thick, long jacket and slumped himself into his couch; phone in his hand, smile on his face.

hi there stranger
you didn't text today
are you okay?

heyyy yeah i'm good sorry
i had work today
what are you doing up?

planning to overthrow the government

you're gonna have the fbi at your door one day
and also
can i join-

hell yeah
the more revolutionists the better
suit up for rebellion

okay so what are you actually doing up?

... i can't sleep lmao
no rebellion going on here

really? you can't sleep again?
you might wanna see someone about that

i'm good bin
i don't really wanna
but thank you

whatever you say my dude

what about you? why are you still up?

i just got home from work
i'm a bartender/waiter so hours are late

ahh i seeee
i don't know why but my brain immediately thought "stripper" when you said you came home at 1am

definitely not
i may be hot enough to be one
but i am not a stripper
they do get better pay though...

oH okay confidence
are you actually contemplating stripping as a career-


if you want it then go for it
i don't see why not
anyway did you have a nice shift?

i mean no drunk ass bitch threw their drink at me today so i guess lmao
another point for becoming a stripper instead

what? the fuck??
people throw drinks at you???

yeah occasionally
but not often at all so it's okay
in the years i've worked there for, it's only happened twice

tell me if that happens again i'll come deck them for you

i don't know that much about you but
you really don't seem like you could deck anyone sorry bb

tell that to my taekwando skills
and my sometimes crippling ability to act on sheer panic

oh okay
in which case kick em to mars please ❤

i said taekwando and anxiety not superhuman abilities

my request goes unchanged, follow through or go home buddy

... n ee ways
i gotta sleep and i assume you do too after coming in from work at 1am
peace out i guess 👋

peace out? really felix?

night hyungg

night night
[seen 1:43am]

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