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"jisung," changbin yelled opening the door wide enough for both boys to squeeze in. "i'm back!"

"i'll be down in a minute, hyung!" jisung yelled back. both boys started kicking off their shoes, placing them aside in an orderly fashion.

"hi hyu-" the same voice rose from behind the two, making them turn to face the boy. jisung made eye contact with felix and smiled, glad changbin had broadened his inner circle. "oh! you brought company, that's good. i'm jisung, nice to meet you."

"i'm felix," the boy replied with a smile, bowing at jisung. "it's nice to meet you too."

"whoa, your voice is so deep," jisung stated, slightly shocked by the contrast. felix just smiled and tucked his hands in his pocket, slightly embarrassed.

"yeah," he chuckled. "i get that a lot."

"well," jisung said, clapping once. "make yourselves at home! if y'all need help finding food or dvds or anything, you know who to ask."

"thanks, sungie," changbin replied before walking into the sitting room with felix.

immediately, felix fell in love with jisung's house. the environment was comfortable and homey, and reminded him of his family's home back in australia. there was a lingering scent of beechwood which felix noticed the moment the door to the living room was opened. a steady ticking sound surrounded the room from the antique clock hung on the wall above the old brown leather couch. the cream rug which mostly concealed the laminate floor was soft and fluffy. nothing seemed out of place - everything helped to build an atmosphere.

"so," changbin started, throwing himself onto the couch. "we have a few choices tonight depending on what kinda guy you are."

"hyung," felix replied after a few seconds of silence, amused. "please tell me you don't mean it like that."

changbin stared off into the distance with a frown on his face trying to figure out what the younger meant. and then, it clicked. his eyes doubled in size as a warm shade of bright red blotched over his ears. oh god.

"felix, no!" he laughed, shaking his head. "i meant we can either watch a movie or we can play a boardgame or something. not... that."

"well, what boardgames do you have?" felix asked, still giggling. he wasn't really in the mood to watch a movie.

eventually, the two decided to scrap the ideas - though either would have been fun - and settled on playing another innocent round of 20 questions.

"oh, i have one," changbin started. "why korea?"

"ah, it's a little embarrassing," felix smiled, looking down at his fiddling hands. "i've always been really into dance and music in general and i thought korea might be the best place to chase my dreams. it's cheesy, i know, but i want to make it work."

"nah, i wouldn't call that embarrassing at all. you're doing what you actually want to. that's commendable," changbin smiled. "passion is rare nowadays. it's good that you've found yours."

felix looked back up at changbin with a warm smile drawn on his face. the response surprised him. it was refreshing to be praised instead of ridiculed for following his heart. changbin was a nice change of pace in many regards.

"how did you realise you were gay?" felix asked, not really expecting an answer. he respected that not everyone was comfortable with sharing that information. but, he was curious - and they were playing 20 questions after all.

"well," changbin started, supressing a laugh. "there were definitely indicators before i knew."

"like what?" felix proded the older's shoulder teasingly.

"my first kiss when i was 9 was a boy. my first crush when i was 11 was a boy. everyone minus a couple of exceptions who i looked up to and fancied on tv were men. i googled 'am i gay quiz' too many times to count. i rarely ever looked at the girl when watching p-"

"okay," felix laughed, blushing at the openness of the last point. "i get it, but how did you know?"

"your typical story," he answered, shrugging his shoulders. "i already had my suspicions and then i met a guy who... confirmed what i suspected, let's say."

felix lightly shoved changbin with a suggestive smile on his face, teasing him again and watching as changbin grew embarrassed. he decided he wasn't going to show the hurt that sentence caused him. he was secretly hoping for what they had to evolve into something more than a friendship at some point. but, he already met someone, and felix needed to accept that.

"what about you?" changbin asked.

"chris evans," felix whined, throwing his head back dramatically. changbin laughed at him, pointing at his pouty, theatrical expression.

no matter how many times he'd hear it, felix could never get sick of changbin's laughter. his brain decided it'd be fun to torture him and fantasise about waking up next to him, laying together, laughing together, sharing domestic moments together. the way the older's warmth radiated felix's skin was heavenly - even if his brain formulated the scenario.

when felix snapped out of it, he realised he'd been staring at the older a little too long, who'd been staring back with the same intensity. to lighten the weight of the stare, the australian beamed a smile across to the older. he returned it and chuckled lightly, examining felix's dainty facial features - from his eyebrows, to his almond shaped eyes, to his dotted button nose, to his roseate plump lips. his eyes rested longer on the other boys lips as he silently wondered how he ever thought he was straight.

"you're beautiful, you know?" changbin quietly asked felix who slowly turned red at the statement.

"thank you," felix whispered, making eye contact for a second. "you are, too."

felix's eyes wanted much more to focus on the older's outfit. they scaled his broad shoulders, scanned his buff chest, trailed the buttons of his shirt, traced his thighs which looked delectable in the dress trousers. he'd flustered himself by how long his eyes were superglued to the older's body and trekked back up towards the older's face. felix didn't say anything, but he'd caught changbin fawning over his lips longer than he should have been. he licked them slowly, just to watch the older's gaze drop again.

"i know you're staring," felix joshed, drawing a flustered grin from the older. changbin was about to reply when the door cracked open to reveal jisung taking out his earphones to speak to the pair.

"hi guys," changbin's housemate popped his head through the living room door. felix ripped his eyes off the older, throwing his stare at the faint stain on the rug in front of the couch. changbin did the same, instead throwing his towards jisung and humming in response to his call. "just letting you know i made way too much food for dinner. the leftovers are still in the oven, so please go help yourselves. drinks are in the fridge, but don't touch my mum's tequila. it's expensive."

"... why do you have your mum's tequila?" the oldest pressed, praying to god that jisung didn't notice that both his and felix's ears were tinted a cherry red.

"she brought some with her last visit as a gift, but i can't stomach it," he shrugged. "i'm keeping it for her next visit because i can't spend that much money on a bottle of angry gasoline."

"ah... well, thank you, sung," changbin said as the younger left the room. he flicked felix's hand to get his attention.

"c'mon then, pretty boy," the older led felix to the kitchen by his sleeve when he finally looked up. "let's go eat."

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