cuarenta y dos

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[ tw: i don't think there's any sensitive content in here per se, but this chapter features homophobic themes.
read with caution!
stay safe, lovelies! health > everything ❤ ]

at around seven in the evening, changbin slumped his way out the doors of the bar. at work, chan could see how exhausted the younger was. it looked like his dark eye circles were painted on with charcoal. so, he decided it was best for everyone if changbin was sent home. chan knew how clumsy the raven haired could get when tired and cleaning up yet another smashed glass was not on his to-do list for the evening.

despite his sleepiness, he chose to go on a wander and enjoy the first warm night of the year. changbin's feet led him to a street he doesn't usually pass, dragging out his walk as much as possible. he relished in the pleasant breeze raking through the boy's black hair in a gentle and soothing manner. though there were more beautiful places to stroll in the evening, the streets of seoul would do just fine for changbin.

the sound of passing cars was the only thing interrupting the quiet music the wind composed. usually changbin would cover this up with music of his own, though he decided to ditch the earphones for the time being and focus on his surroundings. there weren't many people passing him at all, allowing his journey to be a peaceful and light one. he found it refreshing to see the busy city so still.

"changbin," a man grabbed his elbow, stopping him harshly and scaring him out of his skin. he snapped his head around to identify the man, and found himself looking into the dead eyes of the man he never wanted to see again.

"god, i blocked you for a reason," changbin breathed out and turned to face the older, putting on an aggressive face to mask his afraid one.

"just listen to me," his dad began. changbin could see the desperation in his expression. he wanted nothing more than to turn his back and walk away; to pretend like he'd never seen him. but, asshole or not, the man stood in front of him was still his father. so, he listened, however reluctantly.

"fine. what do you want?" changbin asked impatiently.

"i want you home, changbin. and i want you to stop being ridiculous," the older man spoke through gritted teeth, pleading with his son.

"what's ridiculous?! enlighten me," changbin retorted with disgust painted across his face.

in the distance as he carried his bag full of his dance equipment home, felix could hear a familiar voice spit words he couldn't quite make out. he knew who it was right away, but the tone of his words shocked him. he'd never witnessed changbin angry before. the thought made him anxious, but more than anything, he was concerned about the older. he couldn't imagine how much it would take to make the patient, tolerant man lose his temper like that.

felix made his way around the corner, making sure not to be too visible. he felt awful eavesdropping, but he had to know if changbin was safe and he felt that keeping a distance was the best way to ensure that. he made sure he was out of sight of both men before turning his full attention to their quarrel.

"you! you are being ridiculous! nothing was wrong with you before you met that fucking boy! now look at you," the man drove his fist into changbin's shoulder, trying in his own way to knock sense into him.

"don't you dare speak about felix like that. you don't have the right," the younger spat, grabbing the older man's wrist harshly and throwing his arm down. his father could have said anything he wanted about changbin in that moment, but nothing pissed him off more than his mention of felix. the last thing the younger deserved was hate from an ignorant bigot and the thought of his father being the source of that mistreatment made changbin feel sick.

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