cuarenta y nueve

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"god, i'm so nervous," changbin whispered to himself as felix fiddled with the older's fingers in his own. about three hours before departure, they decided to take a walk around the outside of the airport. now that the clock was nearing a little too close for comfort to the time they had to leave for australia, changbin's mind was throwing all sorts of horrible scenarios at him. he'd never been in a relationship that felt serious enough to meet the other party's family. now that the time had come, every reaction his friends have had which the raven haired boy had previously dubbed as over dramatic suddenly made a world of sense to him.

"you have nothing to be nervous about," felix laughed, planting a soft peck on the older boy's cheek as they ambled.

"i promise you they'll love you. they're not bad people and they're not blind. you're good for me; they'll see that."

despite the soothing, dulcet tone of the younger's words, which stuck to the air like warm honey, changbin's incessant worries persisted. the fearful thoughts which had previously felt like water dripping on his skin from a faulty faucet now felt like the equivalent to standing under the wrathful rapids of angel falls for a lethal shower. in no time at all, any concerns the older boy had about meeting the younger's family had consumed him. he wanted nothing more than to gain the approval of his lover's family, but what if he wasn't enough for them? what if he did something or wore something or said something that made them hate him? he knew that the bridge of sexuality had already been crossed, which took away a large chunk of the battle, but now that he was going to be introduced as the man felix chose to stand by, he couldn't help but wonder if the younger really did deserve more than what changbin could give him.

deep down, changbin knew his thoughts were irrational. he knew that felix had made his own choice to be with him and that there must have been a reason for that. he knew he gave his all to the australian and that the younger had made it very clear that was more than enough for him. he knew that they were good for each other. but to changbin, felix deserved the whole world handed to him on a silver platter. he deserved nothing but love, happiness, support and everything else his heart so desired. but in his anxious state, the older couldn't help but wonder; was he really giving him all of that?

"who am i meeting again?" the raven haired male wondered out loud, anxiety brimming in his inflection.

"my parents and my sisters," giggled felix. it was endearing to the younger that changbin was so worked up over a situation that felix knew was going to be the most uneventful thing ever. the shorter wasn't one to care about anyone else's opinion, so the fact that he cared about the opinion of felix's parents was a little strange. nonetheless, the redhead brushed it off and continued to try to calm his restless partner down.

"the younger sister is emma, the older one's natalie. they're really sweet, but if emma is anywhere near as annoying as she used to be, you're going to have to restrain yourself from committing homicide."

"thanks, sunshine," changbin sarcastically remarked, uttering an english nickname he'd decidedly coined for felix.

"i feel so much better now."

felix's eyes darted to the older's face as he tried to repress a smile at his boyfriend's adorable accent when he spoke. the pronunciation was slightly skewed, but not enough to completely conceal the word he muttered. though he could hold back the grin inching closer to the surface of his face and threatening to show, the blood that rushed to his cheeks proved to be too forceful for any barricade felix put up.

"the english is... new," the younger quietly commented.

"it's not new," changbin gently replied again in english, korean accent still weaved into the words he spoke.

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