treinta y ocho

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after changbin picked the younger up as promised, the boys strolled in comfortable silence, smiling lightly to themselves. the air surrounding the two was thick with nervous excitement - one of the two unaware of what was to come. truth be told, he didn't care. felix trusted in changbin's decision no matter how much he hated not knowing where they were going. as long as they were together, they could make anything bearable.

the bitter air pricked at the younger's defenseless skin. despite changbin's warning, felix had left unprepared for the chilly evening ahead of them. while the hat on his head provided some level of protection from the cold and his jacket encased him in warmth, his paper-thin sweatpants barely acted as windbreakers and his bare hands were ruthlessly targeted by the stinging winter breeze. though usually a haven for his hands, felix's pockets were no match against the weather that day.

"before i take you to the place we're going," changbin smiled, "how does coffee sound?"

"coffee sounds great, hyung," felix grinned widely as he nodded his head making eye contact with the older male.

"well, i know a place you'll love," changbin gently grabbed onto the younger's elbow to guide him across the street. felix reddened at the gesture, laughing as the older dragged him across the path. the shorter boy radiated the cutest energy sometimes - something you'd never know after just meeting him. the more his character unveiled itself, the more felix adored what he saw. it excited him to know that every day, there'd be something more to learn about changbin.

the raven haired boy eyed the chuckling boy as he exposed his radiant smile. he couldn't help but grin himself at the sight of the redhead. naturally, changbin's hand travelled down felix's arm, wrapping around his dainty hand as they walked comfortably and listened to the sound of passing cars.

"your hand is freezing," changbin frowned, stuffing both of their hands into his large, warm pocket.

"not anymore, i guess," felix smiled, bringing his other arm up to hold onto the older's forearm through his thick sleeve.

while the redhead wasn't used to being affectionate with people in public, he was comfortable with it. it was in his nature and he rarely thought twice about showing his care for people nowadays. in contrast, changbin was typically more withdrawn than the younger. he displayed his affection in subtle ways. this was a huge difference from what he was accustomed to. there was always going to be a little voice in the back of his head telling him that people were judging him for being so openly close to someone - especially a guy. but with felix, changbin didn't care. he couldn't bring himself to care. he could only focus on the gorgeous boy walking next to him. and, for that, changbin silently thanked felix. he thanked him for bringing him out of his head.

"whatcha thinking about?" felix smiled cheerfully, leaning his chin on the older boy's shoulder for a moment.

"is it cheesy to say you?" goofed changbin as he prodded the younger's arm, teasing him. felix giggled cutely while rolling his eyes, unsure of whether or not he should be flattered.

"yes it is," the taller confirmed as he shook his head in disappointment. changbin let out a small chuckle, proud that he was able to elicit a new response from felix. the younger could be unpredictable in his reactions. not unpredictable in an explosive way; instead, he was unpredictable in a humorous way. changbin never knew whether he was going to get a witty comeback, a playful slap to the arm, a confident comment or a flustered, shy felix. and he really liked that. it made the younger boy so much more interesting.

"alright, this is us," changbin said, pulling the taller boy into the café before he could see the sign for it. he began to think perhaps he'd tugged too harshly as felix flailed in the door of the coffee shop.

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