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do you maybe wanna meet up again?

definitely yes
but aren't you still grounded?

i may or may not be living with a friend because my dad's a dickhead
we've lived together before because of him it's not the first time

ahhh okay i don't blame you
god i really just wanna punch him

don't bother he's not worth your anger
i'm at work right now so do you wanna meet at the bar at 6pm?
i finish earlier than usual today

sure, is it the main bar?

just tell the worker assigning tables you're there for me
i'll still be in my uniform
i'm hard to miss lmao

i know ;)

see usually it's me who does the borderline flirting and leaves you flustered but i get it now

mission: accomplished

i'm smiling like an idiot now fuck you

if you insist ;)
you're making it too easy

yeah that one was my fault i'll accept blame for that
[seen 4:43pm]

felix stepped outside with his hood up, immediately smacked in the face with a cold, crisp sheet of rain. his hands crawled into his pockets as he walked, shivering slightly. he scanned his phone, reading the temperature: 1°C. for winter, that was warm. no matter how long he lived there, felix could never get used to how cold korea was in comparison to australia in winter.

though he usually hated short-notice plans, felix was excited to see changbin again. besides his dance group, he was the only person he felt comfortable enough around to hang out with. he had been texting him for barely two months at this point, but changbin had turned out to be one of his all-time favourite people. he was so easy to get along with - even if it started off with felix annoying answers out of him.

he still couldn't shake this feeling, though. the one often paired with involuntary vulnerability. the one which led felix to be genuinely relieved when changbin came out to him. the one which made him feel... well, it made him feel, that's for sure. felix knew exactly what it was, but he was too scared of ruining what they had to bring it up with changbin. he still wasn't sure of the extent of his feelings - and even though the feeling was small at the minute, there was no way changbin felt the same.

practically running up the steps, felix entered the rather pretentious restaurant section of the bar. immediately, he felt out of place. the restaurant was a lot more formal than he thought it would be. he made his way up to the seating area, self-consciously looking around him.

"hello, how many sea-" the man interrupted himself. his too familiar voice drew felix's attention away from the crowd immediately.

'no fucking way!'

"chris?!" he yelled with a thick australian accent, smiling brightly.

"felix!" chan returned the smile, tempted to leap forward and hug him but holding back after remembering he's easily overwhelmed. "since when do you live in korea?"

"ah, nearly a year now, mate," he chuckled to himself, happy to see his - now blond - best friend again. he wasn't sure he ever would after he and his family moved away from australia.

"how many seats would thee be requiring?" chris asked in half-assed shakespearean english, making felix smile even wider.

"i won't be requiring a table at all, sire. i am waiting patiently for a changbin."

"look at you, making friends and shit," chris wailed, wiping a fake tear in the most dramatic way he could. "well, he should be walking out any second now. his shift finished 5 minutes ago."

"thank you, m'lady," felix bowed, tipping his invisible hat.

"excuse me bitch?"

"who are you calling a bitch?" a voice yelled jokingly from behind chan. changbin, walked out in front of them, draping his winter jacket over his forearm.


it seemed that changbin had forgotten to mention that his uniform was the most attractive uniform ever. he wore a grey button-up shirt - top button undone - which was a little tight around his chest. felix stared at this area for longer than he would like to admit, almost enchanted by it. his blazer was black with silver seams and seemed to broaden his shoulders further than felix thought was within the realm of possibility. little bits of silver jewellery scattered themselves across his body. his black dress trousers fit him perfectly, hugging his thighs in the most beautiful way. there was a thin silver chain which perfectly connected his front pocket to his back, adding a very 'changbin' edge to the outfit. and, to top it all off with a cherry, changbin wore his hair wavy, parted delicately in the middle.

long story short, the boy looked otherworldly.

"i'll see you tomorrow, chan hyung," the raven haired forced out, both older boys holding back laughter as they noticed the effect changbin had on felix. he barely manged to rip his eyes off the boy to exchange numbers with chan before leaving.

"do you like what you see by any chance?" changbin finally let out his chuckle, causing felix's whole face to darken in colour.

"l-listen, i just wasn't expecting it," he defended himself, a flustered pout resting on his face.

"expecting what, hm?"

"you to be dressed like..." felix threw panicked gestures in changbin's general direction while refusing to look his way, making him laugh harder.

"so..." changbin started, trying to think of something they could do together. "i really didn't plan this out."

"it's okay," felix replied, his turn to laugh at the shorter boy. "i'd be fine with about anything. don't worry about it."

"in that case, do you maybe want to head back to mine and watch movies or something?" changbin suggested, quickly realising that could be taken the wrong way. "i think my housemate is home, i could introduce you to him."

"sure, hyung," felix smiled. "sounds like a plan to me."

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