cuarenta y cuatro

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okay so
i didn't end up asking him out

iron chan:
bin you absolute fucking dimwhit i'll literally punch you in the face
why the hell not?
what's wrong with you???

whoA calm down hotshot
i didn't ask him because he asked me before i got the chance

iron chan:
he whAt now???

i know
the bitch straight up pushed me into the couch to do it
and then like
sat on my lap and stuff 😭✊

iron chan:
y'know each and every time one of you texts me i get a little more shocked
i didn't know felix had balls

oh felix has balls alright

iron chan:
e x c u s e  m e ?

nOt literally you fuckin pervert
metaphorical balls
we have not danced the devil's tango

iron chan:
awww i'm almost disappointed
and very surprised actually

i'll ignore the first part
why are you surprised?

iron chan:
at the rate you two were going it wouldn't have been a shock if y'all fucked spontaneously before you started dating

bitch no what the fuck
i do everything i can to make sure he's 100% comfortable with what we do i'm not just gonna HoOk Up with him

iron chan:
that was a test and you passed with flying colours
you may now kiss as husbands

shut up
actually that reminds me
i hear you're thinking about asking noah hyung out? 👀

iron chan:
for fucks sakeee
the boy can't keep a secret can he?

watch your mouth hyung i can keep secrets very well i just didn't want to keep this one :þ - felix

iron chan:
what are y'all doing?

cuddling on the couch - f

iron chan:
what happened to my child? he's such a confident gay now
what happened to panics mcgee?

god knows mate - f
okay as his boyfriend, he's not tHAT ballsy - b

iron chan:
hehehe "boyfriend" that's so cute
also it was funny the first time but please stop referring to his testicles like that

for the record if i wasn't that ballsy my voice would be considerably higher just saying 👀 - f

iron chan:
right that's it
i've had enough eye poison for one day
bye bye

bye channie hyung - f
see ya dick swab - b

iron chan:
a prime example of why felix is my favourite

yeah yeah whatever hyung - b
[seen 9:46pm]


hi! i posted a preview of a new minsung fic i'm going to be writing when this story is over

it's not long, but feel free to give it a read! it's called 'to no avail' and it will be very different from this story

that's all! thank you :D

~ o.s

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