treinta y cinco

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after a while of juggling ideas for activities back and forth, the two boys found themselves in felix's warm kitchen frying sweet pancakes. changbin watched as the younger boy slowly tied an apron around his torso knowing better than to trust his clumsy self. it hugged his waist, showing the outlines of his lithe figure. the older boy felt he had to rip his eyes away to avoid them burning into the redhead's abdomen.

something about that day felt different for both of them. each stare was more intense than the previous, lasting longer than usual. their bodies were drawn together by magnetic force every time one of the two drifted a little further than desired. the universe seemed to be pushing the two towards each other - not that either boys were complaining. for reasons unknown to felix, he wanted to be closer. he wanted the tension between the two to become inescapable for both of them - to completely submerge them. he so badly wanted for all of the scenarios in his head to bleed into reality. however, to get felix to admit to these needs was an impossible task. he was hell-bent on keeping his thoughts to himself.

in borderline desperation, felix glanced to his side to catch a glimpse of changbin's arms as he stirred batter in the corner of his eyes. his mind wandered uncontrollably as his gaze lingered a little too long. of course he'd been held in the older boy's arms before, but what he craved in that moment was much deeper - more intimate in nature. felix's eyes flickered from his arms to his chest to his neck to his lips. pictures flashed behind his eyes of the two clinging onto each other by their clothes, passion overflowing in their eyes as their faces drew closer. once again, felix's eyes dashed to the older's beguiling rose-coloured lips. he couldn't help but imagine how they would feel against his own - against his skin.

"stop staring," changbin sang teasingly, cutting the younger's daydream short before it grew too heated.

felix's entire body was on fire at those two words, shame rushing through his veins faster than his blood ever could. he glued his eyes to the floor, lacking the dignity to look elsewhere.

'snap out of it, felix,' he scolded himself, 'you're delusional at this point. don't make him uncomfortable again.'

changbin, contrary to felix's beliefs, felt no different. if anything, his temptations were tenfold stronger. the way the younger carefully tightened his apron around his core from time to time made the raven haired boy want to replace the thin string with a tight grip of his own - holding him firmly and gently like a puzzle piece would hold its neighbour. he had to actively hold himself back in order to focus on mixing the ingredients, but watching felix struggle to reach the top shelf to get the bowls and carefully sticking out the tip of his tongue weakened his ability to pretend. the redhead had the older in a state of absolute enchantment; though changbin was worlds better at hiding it than felix was.

the two boys felt the exact same; the difference between them was that changbin was marginally more willing to act on his desires than felix. to the younger, looking at the raven haired boy felt like a guilty pleasure he just couldn't help but indulge in. he was paranoid of discovery, as if the things he thought and felt in that moment were shameworthy and something to keep hidden. the older was nowhere near as mortified by the fact that his eyes favoured felix over anything else in the room. and who could blame him? the boy was ethereal in every sense of the word.

felix found himself gawking at changbin yet again, despite being told off for doing so. his eyes retraced their steps slowly, dancing around his whole torso and lingering in some of the best sculpted areas. his black shirt was loose enough to drape downwards, but snug enough to frame his broad shoulders and well built chest. not to mention, he decided rolling up his sleeves to his elbows would be a fun torture method for the day. his eyes then travelled back up to his face - making eye contact with a smirking changbin.

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