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"ah- fuck," felix exclaimed to himself, tripping on a stray shoe on the stairs. luckily, he flailed fast enough and grabbed the loose banister before flying down the staircase. he didn't fancy a concussion today; he was late enough. a trip to the ER was not what he needed.

swiping his (unfortunately) black coffee, muffin and keys, felix made his way to the dance studio. usually, the australian couldn't handle his coffee without any milk. even the thought of an americano made him feel queasy. but hyunjin told him to make it there early so he could explain the choreography to him and, as always, his alarm failed him. so, acid would have to replace his morning latte today.

as he walked, he watched his breath form clouds in the air, watched as it faded into nothingness in slow motion - the first relaxing thing felix had experienced all morning. the purple haired boy blew puffs of air out a few more times, just to watch it evaporate into thin air.

before finishing his bitter tasting coffee, he'd arrived to the dance studio. barely on time, he thought to himself, still frustrated about the alarm.

"felix," he snapped his head towards the direction of the stern voice, spotting a rather pissed-looking hyunjin. "what happened to being here early?"

he gulped at the question hanging in the air, unsure of what to say.

"my alarm didn't wake me, i'm sorry," felix bowed politely. he fiddled with the hem of his jumper, wondering how long he'd made his hyung wait for. he felt especially bad knowing he would've been on his own earlier without the company of minho.

"it's okay," he cheesed reassuringly, dropping his strict face entirely. "so..."

"'so'? you're just- just dropping the fact that i was late? you're not mad?" felix quizzed, confused at the sudden change in tone. hyunjin shook his head in reply, causing the younger to raise his eyebrows and sigh in relief.

"anyone new text you recently?" hyunjin asked, looking around to appear inconspicuous. after humming in thought, the younger shook his head.

"no, i don't think so. why-" felix cut himself off, recalling his conversation with bin last night. gasping as he put 2 and 2 together, felix pointed his finger at hyunjin dramatically.

"you! you put my number on that fucking lamppost!"

"someone actually hit you up then? what are they like? are they nice?" hyunjin giggled as he shielded himself in case felix got defensive.

"why do you sound excited about it and why did you display my number in the middle of seoul?!" the younger questioned, partially mad but mainly curious. on second thought, after seeing hyunjin's expression drop, maybe he didn't express the curiosity as much as he expressed his "anger".

"dude," hyunjin calmly started. "you have no friends in korea and it's been almost a year. you won't let me or minho in for whatever reason. i just want you to be happy, felix. i'm worried about you, in all honesty."

felix looked down with a slight frown. recently, he'd been feeling extremely guilty about how dismissive he'd been of his hyungs' efforts. after finding out even more effort was dismissed by himself, he felt even worse. as much as he hated to admit it, hyunjin did have a point, regardless of how inappropriate the way he acted on his concern was. felix wanted so badly to apologise, but he couldn't bring himself to voice it. instead, he sighed, forcing himself forward to hug the older.

"oh- okay..." hyunjin stumbled backwards at the abrupt action. felix had always accepted affection from his dance partners and appeared comfortable with it, but initiating it was a different story. glad that he finally allowed himself to do so, hyunjin pushed aside his shock and hugged him back with a huge smile.

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