treinta y uno

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changbin sighed heavily, shoving his face into the palms of his hands. he was with chan in the cellar of the bar in an attempt to finish up the new song they'd been working on. the two had been chipping away relentlessly at the same track for hours, making little to no progress as they worked. their painstaking labour usually paid off even in the early stages, so this sudden switch up was not appreciated by either of the guys.

"right," chan sighed, "let's take a little break. we're getting nowhere with this."

"gladly," changbin agreed as he dragged his hands down his face hoping to relieve any stress at all. producing music was normally an enjoyable process for the boys - a stress reliever rather than a stress creator. however, nothing seemed to be going their way that night. their daw refused to function for a solid half hour; and that was before they managed to accidentally delete a whole section of the track, forcing them to restart the audio software yet again. to put it lightly, the project had been an absolute nightmare so far.

"hey bin," chan asked while typing on his phone. changbin hummed in response, fixing his dishevelled hair. he had a small habit of running his hands through his locks in times of frustration.

"i kinda... met someone recently. long story short, i have a bit of a boy situation. i know it's not really the time for that but it happened."

'a boy situation?' changbin thought, confused.

"what do you mean by that? there are many boy situations," the younger asked.

"well," chan started as a layer of red brushed over his ears. "i don't really know yet. i-i think i like him. he's never said he's into guys so nothing is going to happen, but that hasn't stopped me from wanting it to, you know?"

changbin looked up and blinked at the older as he processed the information he'd just been given. he frowned ever so slightly as he counted everyone in his life he recently discovered wasn't straight. the longer he spent counting, the more intense his expression became. the lack of response made the older boy tense up in discomfort. chan felt the silence thickening and sent a confused glance to the shorter boy, waiting for him to reply.

"... are we seriously all gay?" changbin cut through the silence, laughing dryly.

"first of all, i am bi." chan pointed at himself in a goofy manner. "second of all, what? have you got something to tell me?"

"uh," changbin spluttered nervously. he knew better than to be scared around someone who had a crush on a boy himself, but he was still getting used to coming out. even if he wanted to speak up and answer the older, his throat contracted instinctively, muffling any rising noise to come. the mere thought of the coming out process made changbin want to join a buddhist monk monastery so that he'd never have to open his mouth about it ever again.

"relax," chan giggled, "i'm not blind, changbin. i saw the way you looked at felix that night."

changbin stiffened up, freezing into a statue. the only indicator of life in his body was the light shade of crimson which buried itself in his cheeks. he knew denial would be pointless, though that didn't stop it from being his gut reaction.

he let his mind wander back to the evening chan had mentioned to analyse his actions in hindsight. come to think of it, changbin felt particularly drawn to felix at the time. every little movement he made gripped the raven haired boy tighter than the last. his warm, deep voice had changbin in a honey trap every time his mouth opened. the younger boy's true mannerisms showcased themselves more as he slowly became more tactile and playful. the boy was unravelling himself just as the petals of a flower in early march. though there was still much to learn about him, changbin had already found himself captivated by the red haired boy. even still, he hadn't realised he was being quite so obvious around felix. if chan could tell from first glance, did felix already know?

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