The beginning

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The day of the reaping. It was everyone's worst nightmare two more children sent to die for the Capitols entertainment.

On the stage was a man dressed in extravagant clothes his face heavily made up and had an extremely forced smile placed upon it. He reached into a dish full of white envelopes. Paused for a moment then pulled one out. He walked over to a microphone and slowly unfolded it. Everyone in the district took a deep breath as he took a painfully long pause before saying a name "Everly Blight."

The crowd parted around two small girls around the age of 13 one had striking green eyes and blonde hair whilst the other had dull brown eye and brown hair. The one with brown hair burst out into tears as the other kept a cold mask on her face and removed her sister's arms from around her and started to walk towards the stage and walked up the stairs with a little help from the man who pulled her into the middle of the stage to be displayed for everyone to see. But she just glared at the cameras intensely.

He went to the other dish and pulled out another name but quicker this time. He again unfolded it and took a pause "Charlie Oak."

A 17-year own boy started to walk towards the stage. He had the build of a full-grown man and had short black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. He heavily jumped up the stairs and walked over to the escort. Who smiled excitedly "Here you have it District 5's tributes for the 66th Hunger Games. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour.

The tribute turned to each other and shook hands a colossal hand placed into miniscule dolls hand. They made eye contact and Everly harshly glared at him. They were dragged into the down hall by the peacekeepers and thrown into separate rooms.

After a while, Everly heard her door creek open and soon after felt a body against her. She instantly turned and hugged her twin sister who was hysterically crying.

"You have to come have to." Her sister pleaded whilst grabbing onto her shoulders shaking her.

"Jess. Stop. You're scaring her." Her mother gently pulled her away from Everly and pulled her into a hug of her own. Once they had pulled away, she looked into the eyes that mirrored her fathers and gently brushed a loose hair away from her face "You know what to do Evie. All that training wasn't for nothing. Come back I know you will." She hugged her again as a single tear ran down Everly's face and onto her mother's black dress leaving a small wet patch that was barely noticeable.

Suddenly, the doors flew open and her mother and Jess were pulled out of her arms. Everly tried running to them, attempting to push away the peacekeepers that surrounded her. "I LOVE YOU!" She desperately shouted but was pushed back and she tripped banging her head on the corner of the door sending her into darkness.

"WAIT!" She screamed. She sat up in her bed covers on the floor, hair dishevelled and a sheet of sweat across her face. She took a few deep breaths as tears slid down her face "Wait." She whispered.

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