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"When you won everyone in twelve celebrated for weeks. It was like one of our own had one. That's how attached we got to you." Katniss and Everly walked along the long empty corridors.

"I still don't get why they do." 

"Please welcome to the stage. You know her as the silent killer from District Five. But we know her as Everly Blight!" Caesar announced as Everly stepped onto the stage.

She wore a long dark grey dress that had spaghetti straps. Her makeup was dark and gave her an intimidating long even on her young face. Her hair was left down with wavy curls going through it. She smiled falsely at him and the audience whilst she went to sit down in the chair next to Caesar.

"Now Everly. I think we all wonder how you go that score. 11. Wow. Am I right?" He asked the audience and they cheered in response.

"Well Caesar." She chuckled, "I don't think I'm allowed. It could get me into trouble." She giggled sweetly and started to play with a strand of her hair.

"I don't think they mind. Give us a hint."

"Ok." She leaned forward a bit and whispered "Let's just say the spotlight was on me."

Caesar looked at her confused before continuing "What's it like to be one of the youngest in here."

Everly shrugged "It's not really different I guess. You just have to prove yourself more."

Caesar nodded "Well you seem to be getting along well with the other tributes. Especially Rose Everdeen. May I ask if there's an alliance there. If so why?"

"Well you see naturally someone of my age would go for someone older who has more strength than me. But if I was to do that. I'll be killed within a few hours. With Rose not only is she someone who I trust with my life but she is also around the same strength and height as me so I consider that the safer option. So I went with that obviously."

Caesar nodded again "Smart thinking. Now you seem very close to your sister. Have anything to say to her?"

Everly breathed out "Jess if your listening I want you to live your life if I die. Don't let this burden you for the rest of your life. Get married to that guy down the road that you like. I know we're young but I know you're in love with him." Tears glistened in her eyes "I love you. And I love mum. Don't ever forget that."

A buzzer went off and Caesar stood up taking Everly's hand in his. "Everly Blight everyone." 

The audience screamed for her as she walked off of the stage and into Clara's arms.

"You did good kid." She ruffled Everly's hair and she looked at her in annoyance.

"Do you know how long it took for Olive to do my hair?"

Clara rolled her eyes "She'll get over it. Go get some rest you got a big day tomorrow." 

"Yeah I will." She walked into the lift and pressed the roof button. The lift started to move and when I stopped she walked into the cold air. She leaned against the edge of the building and wrapped her arms around herself.

"You okay?" Everly softly smiled to herself and turned to Finnick.

"Look who's back. The stalker." She pointed at him with two hands and he shook his head shoving her playfully.

"You're never going to stop using that are you?"

"Might as well if it's the last day I have to live." She looked into the horizon.

He huffed in annoyance "Stop. You can't give up on this, your life. The people that care about you will remember you as the girl who gave up. And I won't let you do that. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and start thinking of ways to win. The girl I saw at the reaping was a warrior are you going to be that same girl? Are you going to let that break you because it can't Evie. Your unbreakable." She leaned onto his shoulder and looked up at him.

"I'll try my best." She whispered.

"That's all I need." They stood there for a while until Finnick reached into his pocket and brought out a small black box. He opened it to reveal a silver dog tag labelled Unbreakable.

She looked at him in confusion "What is that?" 

He picked it up "Wear this as your token. Please." 

She nodded  and he placed it around her neck and looked at her.

"Stay safe Evie." 

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