it's a clock

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Johanna looked down, "Blight hit a forcefield a while back."
Everly rubbed her hand against her bloodied shoulder, "Jo. I'm so sorry."
Johanna shrugged, "He wasn't much but he's from home."
"What about Mags." Finnick asked desperately, "tell me she's fine."
Johanna shook her head and Finnick crashed to the ground in despair. He shook with every sob and Everly rushed to his side to comfort him.
"I'm sorry Finnick. I really am but we couldn't get her out." Johanna left the couple alone and went to join the rest of the group.
"I knew she going to die." Finnick whispered and looked up at Everly. It pained her to see him this hurt, this broken but she knew how much Mags meant to him. To them both. "I just hoped the she wouldn't." He croaked.
"You can't save everyone Finn." She gently wiped the tears off his face with her thumb and cupped his cheek in her hand.
"But I wish I could." 
"Wiress you're a genius!" They simultaneously looked up at the sound of Katniss yelling. 
Everly looked back down at Finnick, "let's go over." He stated and got up. He held his hand out for Everly to take.
"You sure you're okay?" Everly questioned before taking his hand.
He shrugged, "of course not. But when will I ever be."
Everly's eyes clouded in sympathy as he pulled her over to the others, "what's going on."

Katniss looked up at them excitedly like a child in a sweet shop, "it's a clock. Each hour is a section and in every hour something new happens."
"How the hell did you figure that out?" 
Katniss nodded at Wiress. Everly hugged her, "Wiress you're amazing."

Minutes later they stood in the middle of the cornucopia in a huddle. As they were talking, Katniss was quietly singing to herself in the background. "What's each section then?"
Johanna pointed to where she had come from, "Blood rain 1st hour."
Katniss thought for a while then spoke,"2nd and 3rd hour is poisonous fog and monkey mutts."
"At 12 lightening strikes on that tree." Everly pointed towards a ginormous tree In the distance. Suddenly, Wiress' singing had stopped and Everly around to see Gloss with his knife across Wiress' throat and a canon went off. Everly threw her knife at him and he died in an instant. She presumed someone else had killed Cashmere as she was nowhere to be found. 

The rocks beneath her jolted and she was sent flying across the cornucopia. She just about managed to grip onto a rock before she slid into the deep water. Her muscles screamed in agony as she held on and she felt her fingers slip one by one. Then all she saw was darkness and heard Finnick screaming her name. 

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