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Once Finnick finally caught up with Everly, she smiled at him and he walked along beside her. Their hands knocking every few seconds. They reached the deserted Victors Village. Most victors had died or just stayed inside all the time. As Everly was one of the more recent Victors, her house was right at the back of the village. It was huge with white walls, windows and a few flowers in the front garden which Jess had planted last summer.

They walked up to the oak door and walked in. Everly walked into the kitchen with Finnick following closely behind her. The kitchen was huge. The walls were painted light grey and the stoves, fridge and sink were black with the cabinets being white. On top of the cabinets were a knife rack, kettle and cutting board. In the middle of the kitchen, was an island that was again black. To the right of the entrance to the kitchen, was a breakfast bar made from black granite with 4 white seats surrounding it. Above it, was a huge cone like shaped light that Everly turned on. She leaned against the counter as Finnick walked over to the kettle. Turning the tap on filling it with water and placed it back then flicked the switch.

"You've been having nightmare." He stated as he reached into the cabinets and got out 2 dark grey mugs and put a teabag in one and hot chocolate powder in the other.

She laughed nervously "No I haven't."

The kettle beeped and Finnick poured the hot water into both mugs and then added milk into both again. He turned to her and gave her the mug with the hot chocolate in it. Then sat next to her looking at her in concern. "The bags underneath your eyes tell me otherwise."

She looked down and sipped at her hot chocolate making loud slurping noised. Finnick gently lifted her chin with his fingers and cupped her check with his hand. Whilst gently caressing it. "You know you can tell me anything."

She nodded slowly. "I know. But I don't think I'm ready yet."

"I just need to know your okay." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll always be fine when I'm with you." She whispered. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while until Finnick laughed. Everly looked at him confused.

"But seriously though. Water in a hot chocolate."

She groaned "I just like it like that okay."

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