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"Everly love. You've got to wake up now." Finnick whispered.
She groaned and rolled over facing away from him, dragging the duvet with her.
"Everly. Come on love you know what Clara will say." He sighed and leaned over her shoulder, "Everly," she squeezed her eyes closed. Finnick smirked and grabbed a piece of her hair. He twirled it around his finger then poked it in her eye and moved it around her face. Her nose scrunched up and she whacked his hand away in frustration.
"Come on Evie. Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours."
"Shut up." She moaned, " I'll get up. But you need to stop being annoying." She got up from the bed and dragged the duvet with her into the bathroom.
"I'm not being annoying," he walked in after her, "I just love you a lot and I want to express it." He wrapped his arms around her waist as she looked into the mirror.
She sighed and he looked up at her in concern, " you okay?"
She nodded, "yeah. It's just. Do you ever think what it would be like if we could get married, have kids and a family."
He kissed her bare shoulder, "I've thought about it everyday since I met you." He rested his head on her shoulder and she cupped it with her hand as they looked at the mirror together.
"Now go," she pushed him towards the door, "Olive will kill me if I don't have a shower."
"Why can't I join you?" He smirked, " I've seen everything before."
She rolled her eyes and pushed him out, "go annoy someone else." She closed the door and smiled to herself.

Clara looked up from her book as Finnick sat down next to her on the sofa.
"What did you do now?"
"Nothing."He looked at her innocently, "I'm just being my charming self."
Clara snickered, "yeah and I'm guessing Everly got annoyed with you so she kicked you out."
Finnick shook his head, "no. She needed a shower."
Clara laughed," that's what they all say."

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