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Everly and Katniss walked into the training room to see that everyone was already there and were staring at them. Everly glared at them and turned to Katniss.

"See you later. I'm going to practice with knives." Katniss nodded and Everly walked over to the knife station. She picked one up and threw it up and caught it. She felt a presence behind her but ignored it and continued to play with the knife. She felt to muscular arms wrap around her waist and she leaned back into the chest of the man behind her.

"How did you know it was me?" Finnick whispered into her ear as she lined up her shot. 

"Well if it wasn't you you'd have a knife through your throat." She replied pointing the knife to his neck. Suddenly, she turned back around and quickly threw it at the target. Making a loud thud as it landed in the middle. She looked up at Finnick and snickered when she saw that his eyes were wide open in surprise. 

She walked away from him and towards the simulator. She picked up a few more knives and a belt to put them in. She fastened the belt, then turned to Finnick. "You coming?"

He nodded quickly and picked up a nearby trident then ran towards her. Everly placed the difficulty on it's hardest and they walked into the dark room. "So, how did it go with Katniss?" She heard him say as they waited.

"Good I guess. She's a lot like her you know." The first figure formed and they readied themselves.

 Finnick looked at her barely visible face, "She good with a bow then?"

Everly rolled her eyes as she threw a knife at the figure making it explode, "Is that the only thing you care about?" 

They faced each other, "Yes. When I'm thinking about your safety." She ducked as her threw the trident at something behind her. She caught it as it fell and stabbed another figure.

She threw it back to Finnick and she sighed, "I can take care of myself. Thank you very much."  She threw a knife over her shoulder and heard the bursting noise behind her. 

He stabbed two more then looked at her again, "I know you can." They switched positions as she threw another knife and gave one to him, "I just want to make sure. Especially with what we signed ourselves up for." He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the way of an arrow. 

She huffed in annoyance, "I knew that was there." 

"Of course you did." He threw the trident at the last figure and they both watched as it disappeared. 

She walked away from him towards the door, "Love you too." He shouted watching her as she left the room. 

He heard a whizzing past his head and turned to see a knife jammed in the wall. He laughed softly and tried to get the knife out of the wall but failed. "How the heck does she does this?" He muttered frustrated and gave up walked out of the room hoping no one saw that. 

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