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"5,4,3,2,1! Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favour." A voice declared as Everly looked around and shivered at the coldness of the breeze from the arena. Surrounding them was a winter wonderland. Trees covered in snow, tall hills covered in white blanket and a nearby river was frozen over.

Everly locked eyes with Rose and nodded as the countdown started. She ran to the cornucopia grabbing a belt full of knives before turning and sprinting off ,grabbing a backpack on her way out. As she reached for the backpack, a fist collided with her face. She was sent crashing into the ground she looked up and through her hazy vision saw the pale face of Charlie. Who held a huge spear in his hands. 

She wheezed and coughed as he tried to plunge the spear into her heart but missing only by a few centre metre. Everly clambered to her feet and screamed when Charlie stabbed her leg, sending her back to the ground. She felt around her waist for the knives eventually finding one. Her clammy fingers clasped around it as she used her other arm to push herself up.

"What did I ever do to you?" She coughed now standing pleading for mercy from her district partner.

"Nothing." He nonchalantly replied playing with the spear in his hands, "You're just an obstacle in my way to win."

Her eyes burned with hatred for him as she angrily threw her knife at his stomach but he moved out the way and laughed at her efforts before kicking her in her face. Crimson blood dripped down from her nose and into her mouth as Everly took ragged breaths watching him raise his spear for the final time, waiting for the pain.

Finnick screamed at the screen when he saw Everly knocked to the ground. He strode over to the peacekeepers and grabbed him by the neck.

"Get her out." Tears shone in his eyes as he increased his grip on the mans neck, "I said. GET HER OUT!" 

More peacekeepers rushed in to remove Finnick from the man. Grabbing his arms and putting them behind his back struggling as he tried to push them off. Clara looked at him in sympathy as he was dragged out of the room. He turned as he passed through the door and just before it closed, he looked at the screen once more and once again tried to escape from the peacekeepers grip as he watched Charlie raise his spear. He was kicked in the stomach and the doors closed on him. 

Everly closed her eyes and prepared herself for death. She heard a cry and opened her eyes to see Charlie on the ground with an arrow pierced through his heart. She looked to where he stood and there was Rose with a bow raised and a pack of arrows on her back. She sighed with relief and Rose held her hand of to her pulling her weak frame up.

"She saved my life. I couldn't thank her more." Everly gazed at the knife in her hand tracing the small patterns with her thumb. Katniss watched her with sympathy.

"You thought you were going to die?" 

Everly nodded "You always think you're going to die in there. Thankfully, that was the closest I ever came to it."    

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