Don't go

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Warning violence

"Please. Let her go." Rose cried as she tried to move the arms off of her.

"Shut up." She was punched in the stomach and she crashed into the ground. Everly moved towards her but was stopped by the District 1 tribute's knife pressed against her neck.

"You want to live don't you 5. Or should I say the Unbreakable Victor." She stuggled against him and he stabbed her in her stomach and slowly slid it across sending pain coursing through her. She fell to the ground and withered in pain as she clutched her stomach. He crouched down next to her and grabbed her hair, pulling her up slightly. "Not so unbreakble now are you?" He whispered mockingly into her ear before he suddenly let go of her hair. She banged the back of her head against a sharp rock on the floor. He grabbed her again and pulled her to her feet. He again pressed the knife against her neck and turned her to face Rose as the District 2 Tribute carved flesh out of her arm with a knife.

As Rose hysterically screamed, tears flew down Everly face as she shouted, "stop. Let her go. Take me instead. Please."

They didn't listen and now the Distict 2 Tribute moved his knife along her leg making crimson red blood pour out of it. Everly turned her head away from the scene in front of her and started to breath heavily as she heard her best friend's screams. She looked up slightly to see the District 1 Tribute distracted.

She closed her eyes for a moment then she spurng into action as she elbowed Disctrict 1 in the stomach and he let go of her. She run over to 2 and grabbed a nearby stick as she ra up to him and pulled it around his neck. He tried to get of her off as he slammed into a tree. His face started to go purple and she pulled the stick tighter. He collasped sending both of them to the floor.

"You little brat." She ducked just in time as he went to spear her. She turned and grabbed the spaer that was in his hands and they wrestled for it. She let go and picked up a near rock, throwing it at his head catching his forehead making it bleed. He raised his hand to his forehead and as it came away red he looked at her in rage. He charged towards her and she rolled out of the way and grabbed his spear as he passed. She turned and threw the spear at his back, piercing it and ending his life.

She sighed in relief but heard a pained moan from the floor. She rushed over to Rose and layed her head on her lap.

"Everly." Rose whispered as she looked at the sky.

"Yeah." She moved the hair out of Rose's eyes as she sniffled.

"Help Katniss if you ever see her. Please."

She nodded as she wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.

"Hey. Chin up. We knew this was coming."

Everly shook her head, "no we didn't. We were going to make it together. We still can. Just hang on a bit longer." She rambled.

Rose lifted her hand to Everly's cheek, "go win this Everly for me." She removed the rose necklace from around her neck and placed it in Everly's hand. She grimanced as she let out a breath.

"Don't go Rose. Please. I can't make it without you." She shook Rose, "Rosie please." She shook her again, "please." She wailed.

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