Close call

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Finnick sighed as he stared at Everly sleeping a few steps away from him. The moonlight enhanced her features and her natural beauty. She smiled and turned over in her deep slumber.

"You really love her." He turned to see Katniss staring at the woman he loved as well.

He nodded slightly, "Yeah. Yeah I do."

She looked at him for any trace of a lie on his face but couldn't find any, "Look. I might not like you but you're good for her." Finnick looked at her quizzingly and she rolled her eyes, "Whenever she's with you she's always the happiest I ever see her. And the look in the eyes when she looks at you is one of pure love. She loves you and she's scared of it."

A bright screen was projected into the sky and the Capitol anthem played as the pictures of the fallen Victors were shown. Everly squinted at the light as she looked up. She huffed and went back to sleep, covering her ears with her hands to block the sound. Finnick laughed at her and she silently glared at him before slowly going back to sleep.

Finnick turned back to Katniss, "I love her too."

Katniss rolled her eyes again, "Duh. I'm not blind."

He got up from where he was seated and started to walk over to where Everly was sleeping, "If you're not going to sleep I will." He laid down next to Everly and wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned around and snuggled into his chest as their heartbeats fell in sync.

Katniss smiled at them and looked around the dark jungle. Slowly here eyes began to droop and before she knew it, she was sent into a deep sleep.

Katniss suddenly opened her eyes and realized that a cloud of green fog had started to make its way towards them. She reached her hand out to touch it and screamed in pain when she felt a burning sensation on her skin. She sprung up and screamed, "Get up. The mist will hurt you."

She helped Peeta up and they all started to run away from the strange green mist. But they were too slow, and it crawled up Peeta's back making him scream out in pain. Katniss rushed to help him with Finnick taking one arm. They were barely ahead of it and had all endured some horrible pain. Suddenly, they tripped and rolled down a hill. Everly laid there and closed her eyes waiting for the horrible pain to take over but it never came. She opened her eyes and looked forwards to see an invisible barrier stopping the mist from reaching them. She sighed in relief and laid back down against the sharp sticks of the floor.

She heard leaves rustling and looked to see Katniss desperately crawling towards some water. Everly looked at her in confusion before crawling after her. She slipped into the water after Katniss and felt a few short seconds of pain before the relief came. After she was done, she quickly got out of the water to help Finnick heal himself. She carefully dragged him over to the water and bit by bit covered him in water soothing his injuries. After a while, he started swimming and messing around in the water. He even scared Katniss once or twice but frowned when he saw Everly sitting on a rock staring at the ground. He clambered out of the water and sat down next to her.

"Hey. You okay?"

Everly nodded, "Yeah. It's just it was a close call. Too close Fin. We nearly died."

"But we didn't. So, we use this as a chance to carry on and get out of here." He wrapped his arm and her cold shoulders, "besides I won't let you get hurt again."

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