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Everly quietly shut the door of the apartment and started to tiptoe to her room.
"Where were you?" Finnick turned on the lamp from where he sat on the sofa covering the room in light.
"I don't think it's any of your business." She went to walk into her room but was stopped by Finnick's hand on her wrists. She silently looked at his hand then at the ground refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Hey." He whispered as he lifted her chin with he head to reveal tears gushing down her face, "what happened?" Asked softly looking at her in concern.
She shook her head "I can't." She croaked. He put his hand on her shoulder  and she winced.
"Everly. Please tell me what's happened."
"Why do you even care?" She finally looked into his eyes fear evident in hers.
He put his hands up in frustration "Why? Everly you're so oblivious. Why do I care?" He was silent for a moment, "Because I love you Everly. I always have. Always will and you can't change that."
She didn't reply and just stood there tears still running down her face.
"Do something." He pleaded, "Shout at me for falling in love with my best friend,scream at me. Just do something." She still didn't reply and he went to leave. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into her. Wrapping her arms around his neck whispering "I love you too!" Then kissed him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and well they pulled away he looked down at her.
"Please. Tell me."
She sighed and nodded.

Everly walked into her house having just mentored for the games and placed the vegetables on the table.
"How nice to see you again Miss Blight."
She dropped the scarf that was in her hand in surprise and started to walk over to him "What a pleasant surprise it is to see you President Snow."
She sat down next to him at the breakfast bar and crossed one leg over the other waiting for him to start.
"As you know you're considered very attractive and desirable to the people of the Captiol. They would pay a high price to be in your company."
Everly scoffed "So your asking me to sell my body?"
He nodded "It would be very profitable."
She shook her head rapidly standing up from her chair "I'm sorry but I can't do that."
He only nodded and started to make his way out of her house but turned slightly " I'm sorry Miss Blight. I didn't want it to come to this." He walked out of the door and left her to think.
"My mum died a few days later in an accident. I blame myself for not choosing the choice that would've saved her life."

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