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As Katniss, Peeta, Finnick and Everly sat down to rest they heard cannons sound of in the distance.

"I guess we're not holding hands now." Finnick laughed. Everly looked at him with her eyebrows raised and elbowed him in the side.

"Finnick shut up." She hissed through clenched teeth.

Katniss looked at him suspiciously ,"Is this a joke to you?".

Finnick shook his head, "Not at all. Those cannons are like bells ringing in my ears you know why?" Katniss shook her head, "because every bell means that she's closer to going home." He looked towards Everly who was exchanging a worried glance with Peeta.

"Why don't we carry on?" Peeta got up and started walking deeper into the jungle with Everly following close behind him. Katniss and Finnick shared heated glares before following the other two.

Everly walked out from the dark cave and into the sunlight as the blizzard had stopped in the early hours of the morning. She grabbed her knives and held them tightly in her hands. Her eyes darted around, cautious of everything. She limped slightly from the stab wound on her stomach. She had been given medicine earlier that morning from a sponsor to help heal it. She heard snow crunch behind her and she turned around flinging her knife as she turned. As she turned she was hit in the face with a large clump of snow but she heard a loud thud meaning the person was dead. She wiped the snow off of her face and looked at the dead boy of the female district 2 tribute. 

In her hand she held a bow but no arrows. Everly looked around and found an arrow to the right of her where the girl had missed. She picked up the bow and the single arrow then took any useful supplies she needed. Including a long piece of rope. She chucked it all into her ruck sack and carried on limping through the thick snow and towards the mountains where she assumed the other tributes would be.

Thanks so much for the 1k reads! Its so many more than I thought I would ever get so thanks again. 

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