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Warning: the end of this chapter might be upsetting for anyone as it involves sexual harassment. So if you want to avoid any of it skip to the next chapter after Everly goes to her apartment.

"In here." Finnick whispered as he pulled Everly through a dark corridor and opened a door.

"Its nice of you to make it Miss Blight." She turned to see Plutarch, Haymitch, Beetee, Wiress, Johanna, Blight and some others seating down around a marble oval table looking at her.

"Wish I know I was going to be here." She looked pointedly at Finnick who put his hands up in surrender and sat down in the chair nearest to him. Leaving a seat for Everly at the head which she gracefully sat in. Looking at them to continue.

Plutarch nodded "Katniss is the symbol of the rebellion. The people look up to her. She's important."

" I think we already know that. " Johanna remarked.

Plutarch raised his eyebrow at her before carrying on. "We need to keep her safe at all costs for the rebellion to take place. That's where you come in. We need you to protect her but without her knowing."

" What do we do after. There's no place that's safe to go to. " Finnick asked

"District 13 ." Haymitch replied.

" Isn't it supposed to be in ruins? " Beetee asked.

"Not entirely. They hit under the ground surviving all this time and have agreed to help the rebellion. Are you in?" Plutarch looked around and there was an awkward silence. Finnick looked at Everly who was deep in thought and hadn't spoken since they came in.

She nodded slightly "We need to to do this." She whispered.

They all looked at her surprised. "What?" Finnick asked.

She slowly stood from her seat and walked over to Haymitch and Plutarch. "I'm in." She looked around the room. "Its out turn to fight for what's right. To stand up against Snow. Against the Capitol. To protect panem. The districts,our home." She made eye contact with Finnick, " to protect the people we love. "

Finnick nodded "I'm in." He placed his hand on her shoulder .

Johanna stood up next "I guess I'm in too." She took Everly's hand in her own.

"I'm in." " Me too. " "and me." There was a chorus of words.

Haymitch nodded at them "Its official then. Keep Katniss safe at all costs."

They all nodded and Everly looked at the clock and her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. Urgent business." She rushed out off the room. Down the hallway and ran as fast as she could to her room. She slammed open the door and threw her dress of. She opened her wardrobe and grabbed a tight black dress and putting it on. She touched up her makeup and put a new pair of black heels on. Picking up her bag before rushing out of the apartment, down the lift and out into the streets.

She ran for ten minutes until she came across a small house with a black door. She walked up the door and gently pressed the doorbell. She quickly tidied up her hair then waited for the door to open. She looked at the door with terror in her eyes as she heard someone stomp to it.

"For Rose. For mum. For Jess." She whispered grabbing onto her necklace as her palms grew clammy.

The door opened to reveal a scruffy dressed beefy man with unkempt hair and bags under his eyes. He grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall of his flat. Slamming the door behind him. He neared his face to her 's and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. As he forcefully pushed his lips on her 's and reached his hand under her dress.


thanks so much for the 400 reads it means so much. The start of the games is nearing. I can't wait for it to begin. Be ready for more frequent updates.

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