Another loss

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Everly looked up from where she sat and saw a hideous looking monkey mutt closing in on Peeta. She elbowed Finnick in the stomach and he looked up his eyes widening when he also saw the mutt.He then tapped Katniss' lower arm and pointed with his eyes to the monkey as he and Everly slowly stood up.
Katniss cleared her throat nervously, "Peeta could you come and help me with something."
He kept his back turned on them but still he nodded slightly, "yeah in a minute."
Katniss and Everly exchanged panicked glances and Katniss turned back to Peeta, "Peeta. I want you to slowly walk over here okay."
Peeta turned around and his eyes widened in panic once he spotted the mugs that were now surrounding him. Katniss readied her bow then shot the mutt closest to Peeta and they all sprang into action.
Everly grabbed Peeta's arm and dragged him out of the way of one mutts sharp teeth, "get to the beach." She yelled and pushed Peeta forward towards the exit before stabbing another mutt.
She heard a yelp and turned to see a morphling get bitten by a mutt in place of Peeta. Who starts to drag the woman to the beach with help from Katniss.
Everly and Finnick soon followed them and guarded the edge of the jungle from the beach.
Once the mutts had disappeared back into the foliage. Everly focused her attention on Peeta, Katniss and the morphling woman. She was struggling to breath and looked up at the sky with glassy eyes. Everly tucked her head into Finnick's shoulder and sobbed quietly. By the sea, Katniss and Peeta also stayed silent.
They stayed like this for a while until Finnick broke the silence, "we need food. I'll get some fish."
Everly nodded and stepped forward, "I'll some and help you."
Hours later they sat on the smooth sand of the beach in a horseshoe. Everly had her head rested on Finnick's lap and Katniss and Peeta were quietly talking.
Suddenly they heard loud yells from the other end of the beach. Everly sprung up and ran towards the voices.
"Johanna! Johanna!" She yelled desperately and ran into the arms of her enraged friend. Everly stood back and noticed the red stains on her friends body, "what the hell happened to you."
Johanna huffed, "we were walking and rain started to pour. After a few seconds we realised that it wasn't rain and it was fricking blood drenching us. So we a run for it and here we are."
Everly nodded and looked around at the group Johanna, Wiress and Beetee were there but not two people, "Jo. Where's Mags and Blight."

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