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"We need to find shelter." Rose shouted over the howling of the wind as they ran towards the mountains. The longer they ran the colder it got. Soon they were barely jogging wrapping their arms around themselves in an effort to keep warm.

Rose stopped moving and stood still where she was, taking deep breaths and rubbing her hands together as the snow crashed against her. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Everly continued walking until she heard a loud thud behind her. She rapidly turned to see Rose sprawled on the floor with her body in the snow.

"Rose!" She shouted, "Rose!" She ran over to her and rolled her over. Her lips were chapped and had turned blue. Everly touched her ice cold face with her hand and whispered, "come on Rosie, don't die on me now." She reached into her back pack and brought out a blanket. She put it on her shoulders and stood up. She picked up Rose's arms and started to drag her along the snow leaving a trail behind them. 

The snow began to increase just as Everly found a small cave inside a hill. She laid Rose down against a rock and began to look for wood. She started a fire in the middle of the cave and brought Rose near it. She felt her forehead again to find that it was still cold. So she took of her own jacket and wrapped it around her. She looked into the blaring flames of the fire every few seconds checking on Rose until she fell asleep. 

Everly woke up and it was still snowing outside. She looked to her right but Rose was gone. She suddenly stood up and picked up her knives and backpack then ran out of the cave into the snow. "Rose!" She called, "Rose!" But there was no reply. She ran of into the snow and towards the forest.

"Just put this on." She felt something light being slipped over her head and she played with the silky fabric with her hands. "Open you eyes."

Everly's eyes widened, "oh Olive! It's beautiful." 

Olive smirked, "Course it is. I made it."

"Rose!" Everly screamed, "Come on."

She heard a high pitched scream coming from the woods. "No." She whispered. She picked up her pace and hurried towards the woods. "Rose. Where are you!"

"You shouldn't have come 5," a voice spoke behind her, she reached to her belt and pulled out a knife then pointed it at the shadows they hid in. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He whispered as he came out of the shadows to reveal himself as the District 1 male Tribute. He was muscular and had a sharp jawline and cold features. 

"What's stopping me? You and I both know that I could easily throw this knife through you neck." She glared at him.

He gestured to someone in the shadows. Surrounding her were the career tribute and in one of their grasps was Rose. She looked at Everly with tears running her face and mouthed, "Go."

Everly shook her head, "Not without you." She mouthed back. 

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