Last night

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Everly raised her hand to her neck where a long scar was from when she pulled away from the district 1 tribute. She sighed as she watched Finnick talking to Caesar.

Ceasar turned to Finnick, "I believe you have something to say for a special person."

Finnick nodded and looked at Everly for a moment before he turned to the camera that was in front of him, "My love, you have my heart, for all eternity and if I did in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips."

A tear slid down Everly's face as she silently watched him. Johanna rubbed her shoulder in comfort as the Capitol women screamed thinking that he was talking about him but the Victors all knew who he was talking about. They all turned to her and looked at her in sympathy.

"Now we have the district 5 tribute you know her as the Unbreakable Victor and we know her as Everly Blight!"

The audience screamed as she stepped onto the stage wearing the same dress she wore when she won the games. She smiled gently as Caesar took her hand and kissed it softly. He led her to her seat and she gracefully sat down with one leg on top of the other.

"It's so good to see you again. Look how beautiful you've grown. Hasn't she?" He asked him.

The audience cheated on response and Everly laughed, "Well it's great to be home."

Caesar nodded, " Have you found anyone special yet? "

Everly nodded, "Yeah I have he's amazing."

" Well I hope we're invited to the wedding. "

Everly laughed a little but then she shook her head, "Sorry to disappoint you all but I don't think I'll make it to the wedding. I'm sorry to pull a Peeta but he came here with me." She wiped away a fake tear from her cheek.

" Rose! " Everly screamed as she woke up she quickly sat up and looked down to what she was laying on. Rose's body. Everly cringed as she felt a sharp pain coursing through her stomach. She felt it with her hands and when she looked at it it was covered in her blood.

"Shit." She whispered .

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