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"Have you got any secrets worth knowing Katniss?" He huskily whispered into Katniss's ear who looked very uncomfortable. Everly rolled her eyes at 'Capitol Finnick' and sighed it was only for a few days.

"Causing trouble again Mr Odair?" She asked standing behind him.

"Only for you Miss Blight." He turned quickly to face her. His eyes widen in shock as he looked at her. She truly was extraordinary. His mouth gaped at her as he tried to find the right words to say.

She snickered at him closing his mouth with her hand "Don't want to catch flies now do we."

He glared at her playfully before pulling her into a tight hug. He leaned his head down so it looked like he was kissing her neck "Haymitch wants to meet with us after." He whispered.

"Where?" She whispered back into his ear getting onto her tiptoes to reach.

"I'll show you later. Meet me at the end." She nodded and pulled away from him as he sent a charming smile her way before walking off.

Katniss looked between the two suspiciously. No way would they do something like that in public that's no the people they are. Well at least no Everly. She cleared her throat as Everly looked at her in surprise. "I'm Katniss Everdeen." She held her hand. 

Everly took it politely "Everly Blight."

Katniss laughed "I know. You kind of are my hero." 

Everly looked at her in confusion. "Why would I be a hero to anyone?"

"You tried to help her make it as far as you could. You never broke." 

Everly looked around quickly before grabbing Katniss's arm and pulling her in "Me not breaking is a myth. You should know now Victors never win. They just move on to a new games inside their head. I'm sure yours has started. Trust no one. They aren't always as trustworthy a they seem. I found that out the hard way." Katniss nodded as Everly moved away from her and started to walk away from her. She stopped for a moment and turned her head "It was nice meeting you Katniss. President Snow will be awfully happy that we met." She said sarcastically before carrying on.

"Everly Blight District Five." Was announced on the speaker.

Everly got up from her seat and started to make her way towards the doors. She looked at Rose as she walked past who nodded at her encouragingly. She took a long breath before walking in. As soon she walked in she could her the chatter of the judges. No one even gave her a second glance as she walked in. 

She approached a table with knives set out on it. She looked back up at the judges before looking back at the knives. "Screw it." She whispered as she picked up eight knives and walked into the middle of the room.

She raised her hand that was clasped around a knife and flicked it into one of the lights sending sparks everywhere before turning of. She did this again with the other lights growing with speed until it came to the last one. She stood in the single spotlight and looked up. "Now they're paying attention" She thought bitterly. She glared at them before walking out "Not so unafraid now are we?" She shouted as she left the room. Leaving everyone shocked.

Everly stood there calmly twirling a knife in her hand waiting for Finnick to come.

"You always were a badass with knives." 

She shook her head in disagreement "Please I'm just a badass in general."

"Mhm." Finnick replied.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance "Are we going to this meeting or not?" 

"Of course we are."

Everly looked at him curiously "Then why aren't we going."

"I'm waiting to follow you. Ladies first remember." He reminded her innocently. She glared at him playfully then sneaked into the elevator. Once they were both inside. Finnick pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her waist "I missed you." He murmured into her hair. 

She sighed "I missed you too."

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